We meet again!

Aug 12, 2009 15:39

I came in to work this afternoon expecting an important meeting with my boss, but now it's tomorrow morning cause she says something urgent came up. I'm left with a solid hour of time and little to do, so I suppose it's time to update this old thing. :) Since I'm at work there will be a marked lack of screenshots, but I'll make a screenshots post soon, or possibly edit this one. (Or maybe I won't, who knows)

So, plenty's happened since the last time I posted:

History Repeating

I've got a feeling of deja vu... it feels like I'm right where I was a couple years ago! In fact, I am - I'm back in Symbiosis (X now, not R) and after parting ways from AXI again.

AXI had a lot going for it, as evidenced by my previous posts, but I found myself with a lot of the same problems I had with it the last time I was there. I only really enjoyed the company of a select group of friends and the average linkshell member simply didn't get along with me.

But to compound to my unfamiliarity/incompatibility with much of the LS, linkshell morale was breaking and events just kept failing one after another. Limbus, Dynamis, Sky, Sea, all the events AXI made a name for itself doing all experienced one or more meltdowns in the past couple of months. This wouldn't be too much of a problem if there was some effort to get things back on track, but no one was carrying that burden except Jojoe and it was just too much for him to handle by himself. Everyone else was content with just letting the train run off the rails and not doing anything about it. Finally the wheels came off for me when a sky event went horribly wrong, everyone was mad about it, but no one was willing to take a stand and do anything about it. It was Dynamis - Valkurm 2 years ago, all over again, except this time I let Jojoe have it instead of the entire LS. I pissed off a good friend pretty bad and realized that the damage was done and while I know Jojoe would forgive (or has forgiven) me for being so mean, I wasn't just saying things to make Jojoe upset, I was venting my honest feelings, and those feelings were all fueled by frustration and disappointment.

I decided to part with AXI and apply to SX before Jojoe made the announcement that AXI's official events would cease with the exception of Dynamis. I know they're still up to their old tricks, but much more casually now. That's fine, and I think it might be what's best for them. I see a lot of folks in AXI leveling new jobs, catching up on stuff they've been putting off for a while, and still hopefully enjoying the game, so I think Jojoe's choice to sort of "throw in the towel" was a good one. Besides, since AXI's no longer officially an "end-game LS" I can still pop on from time to time to chat.

SymbiosisX is working out fantastically for me. It's much more hardcore than I expected, and a lot more hardcore than I expected myself to want when I came back to FFXI in April, but it's really right up my alley. Skilled players all dedicated to the greater good of the linkshell, always something going on, and everyone knows how to have a good time while still making it happen when it's time to work. I've gotten to do all sorts of fun stuff and new things I'd never done before, and I'm frequently impressed with how well everything is executed. Thankfully some of my good in-game friends also came over from AXI too.

It all crystallized for me in one moment when I realized that I was really having a good time. My brother was up visiting for more than a month, and while I was doing something (I think it was Grauberg pixie NMs) I remarked about how well it was going. He looks over my shoulder and watches a bit of what we're up to and he asks, "How were you not in this linkshell before?" A very good question. Whatever it was, I'm glad I came around.


Shpendi and I have some things in common - both leveling SAM to 75 being one of the least of those things. But one of the bigger things is that we're both 14/15 on our primary Salvage sets, and bigger still is that we both need the 5th floor North Poroggo Madame from Zhayolm Remnants. We combined efforts over the course of two weeks, with over 10 Zhayolm runs. Not all were perfect, but we had a chance at the damn frog each time and we're still 0/Godknowswhat. Not even a Enlil's body for us to lol about... just... nothing. Salvage is still one of my favorite things about this game, but "frustrating" doesn't even cover it.

Still, the static has had some great success, we've gotten many 35's from various zones, including a Hikazu Kabuto (35) that I got, the day before Tsukikazu Jinpachi (25) dropped. This puts me at 8/15 Usukane, which is great news. I just lack 15/35 body, 25/35 hands, 25 legs and 15/35 feet. There was some drama over the 25 feet which I close my eyes and hope has blown over, even though I know it hasn't... but Shpendi's got my back and I'm in it for the long haul.

We're mid-way through a tour of the other zones before we resume our Zhayolm spam, and hopefully the frog puts out for a change. I'd really love to have Skadi legs, and it'd light a fire under my ass to save up for the Skadi body I've had for a while.

Silly Mithran girl likes to play with samurai swords

So, I said something about Usukane right? This is because I've been on an EXP binge with my Samurai and it's now level 74, only 20,000 EXP to go and I'm pretty certain I can get that later today. Samurai is good fun and I can't wait to use it in merit parties and see how I do at events with it when Ranger isn't totally necessary. It's all part of my plan to limit my spending actually - while there are definitely pieces of gear I need to buy for Samurai, if I have a viable SAM75 to use then I can hopefully cut back on my spending when it comes to arrows and such. RNG75 will always be my true love, but I guess I'm cheating on my bow with my great katanas for now.

I think my SAM is already pretty decently geared, and if it wasn't before last night, it is now. We camped out at KV after recording the ToD from the day prior, and he popped right on schedule pretty much. After a flawless fight, I bid pretty heavy on the Ace's Helm that dropped and now I'm its proud owner! I'm really stoked... this is an item I didn't expect to have for a while and now it's mine. I hope we can continue to knock out some KV's for the others who need!

I'll share more about SAM later, with some screenshots of my gear, including red hot-pants until I can finish Usu legs or grab a Byakko's Haidate...

Well, that's a good enough post for now. I'll put together more while I'm seeking for EXP/Merit PT's on my SAM. :)
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