Well what have we here? Is Shadida really updating that blog which he hasn't touched since 2007? I think so!
I recently made a return to the world of Vana'diel, since it looked like there were some new and exciting things to come back to now. I did, however, choose to leave my friends on Seraph and return "home" to Sylph server and to the linkshell I once led. It was a tough decision because I had some great friendships and fun times on Seraph, but I don't have any regrets.
BeyondTheLimitation, I will miss you all very much! It's wonderful that anytime someone on Sylph asks me what it was like, I have nothing but good things to say. I'm glad I was able to join you guys although it was sort of short-lived.
So, in an effort to keep in touch with the folks on Seraph (or who formerly were members of BTL) and also to chronicle my new adventures on Sylph, I've decided to start blogging again.
Also, I'm very jealous of Erecia and his rockin blog right here:
Ereblog. You're on notice, Ere - the new kid in town is going to take the FFXI blogosphere by storm!! (Okay, maybe not right away).
My goal is to be pretty casual and probably make smaller posts more frequently, and occasionally drop a longer post when something major happens. Nothing like Rukenshin's though. ;-)
Right now I've gotta wrap up my stuff at work though! I'll bring you my first post back from break later tonight.