The Year in Shira - writing/editing

Dec 30, 2014 13:32

Copied from my official pro-type website.

2014 was actually the most productive writing year I've ever had - it just doesn't look that way from the outside! Since I barely wrote in 2012 and wrote nothing in 2013, I only had two stories actually come out in 2014, both written in 2014. Those are "The Final Girl" and "The Cartographer's Requiem". "The Final Girl" is now the story I point people to when I want them to know what exactly I write.

This year I wrote a complete novel, my first ever; I'm currently working on revising it, and then I get to wander around looking for an agent!

I also wrote a record five stories (I know, I don't write fast/often/much). Two were published (see above), one will be out next year, and two are on submission. I've written a number of poems, mostly for a chapbook project that's not close to complete yet.

I also made my nonfiction debut with "Israel is Not My Birthright" on

And fellow poet Mat Joiner and I started a magazine! Check out the first two issues of Liminality: A Magazine of Speculative Poetry.

I had a lot of reprints this year!

* "Becca at the End of the World" was reprinted in Zombies: More Recent Dead, and it received an honorable mention in Ellen Datlow’s Year’s Best Horror!
* "Wool and Silk and Wood" was reprinted in The Best of Electric Velocipede.
* "The Angel of Fremont Street" and "Fortune" were jointly reprinted as The Selves We Leave Behind.
* "The Library, After" was reprinted in Mythic Delirium #30 and The Nebula Awards Showcase.
* "Valentines" was reprinted in The Mammoth Book of SF Stories by Women.

And what's on deck for next year? Look for "Never Chose This Way" at Apex, "Four Chambers" at Mythic Delirium, "The Binding" at Lakeside Circus, and hopefully I'll be able to tell you more soon!
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