[Audio // English gdit]electroniccraneMay 6 2009, 23:13:26 UTC
An ocean liner is a trans-oceanic vessel, and this ship doesn't have the right hull design for that. It has the lines of a cruise ship, which should never be farther than a few hundred kilometers from shore.
I don't think this is actually a cruise ship, nor do I think what's outside is actually ocean.
It's consistent with their pattern of withholding information. And if this were a computer simulation, a featureless ocean and skyline would be one of the least computationally-intensive environments to render.
Assuming you're all who you appear to be and not just AIs or controlled interaction with whoever's hacked my cyberbrain, the clustering of people who know each other is odd, and implies the selection process is not random, or at least not random after the first arrival from a particular world.
Beyond that, there doesn't appear to be a common denominator.
A normal cruise ship wouldn't be this far from shore, either. Among other discrepancies.
The last time we saw the shore was when the ship had to dock for repairs. It's been six months, I thought we'd have reached the Golden Shore by now.
I don't think this is actually a cruise ship, nor do I think what's outside is actually ocean.
What do you think it is?
I think it's an illusion because they don't want us to see what's really there.
[Okay, this theory has piqued Jak's interest.]
Then there must be a way to break the illusion somehow.
[Give him a minute to catch up, he's never worked with computers before.]
Would a computer be able to make it feel this real?
Maybe the entire ship's fake and we're not going anywhere at all.
Maybe it's not even a ship. There's a lot more circuitry in the walls than a cruise liner really needs.
[Jak, please enjoy your first encounter with the Major's overdeveloped sense of professional paranoia.]
Why do you think we were taken? Why us?
Beyond that, there doesn't appear to be a common denominator.
Y ... yeah.
So it's random. Which doesn't explain how me, Torn, Erol and my father were all here at once.
There also may be a trend towards people from Earth, but I don't know if it's just confirmation bias on my part.
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