Sep 28, 2005 23:04
So an interesting thought.....
Today in Sociology we were talking about culture and norms and values. My proffesor pointing out that in American Society we highly Value the idea of Individuality...
But yes its important to be an individual but think about the numerous ways in our society that we do things that make us exactly the same as the person were standing next to. Such as fashion. If we value individuality so much then why is that if a person does the slightest thing different, like wear something different, or say something different or act different people look down upon them? Isn't that person just trying to express their individuality?? We try so hard to be different but in the end just end up being the same as the next person.
possibly everything i just said is just a stupid thought. and probably people don't agree with me. But i always find it funny how things sometimes work so backwards. So you dont have to agree with what i have to say but its just a thought.