Jan 31, 2006 23:56
The semester feels like it started a day ago buts already the 4th week. Except i just realized that summer feels like it occured realtively a long time ago. I can't really say i miss it but i'm not saying i don't. It just seems so long ago that i can't picture it clearly in my head.
i'm so distracted right now. I have three exams in the next couple weeks plus a quiz on friday and i feel really un prepared. Excspecially for this quiz friday. Isp might literally be the death of me because I dont understand the less broad version of it. how minerals travel through it and such. He just expects me to know from this stupid packet he gave us but inturn it just makes me feel unintelligent. Ask me anything about the human mind or human development and most likely i could give you a clear answer. Ask me anything about enivornmental crap and rocks and i'll just stare at you blankly. i hate taking this class but as long as i dont have to take it again then i guess i'm fine.
i'm visitng winnie ho this weekend and i'm quite excited.
Zac and I were watching american idol and the fire alarm went off and then i had to go stand in the cold without a coat.
i feel like i put in a great effort, but some things are not meant to be maybe?? i'm just sick of trying to be friends with people when its apparent that its not going to happen. I want people to come to me and be like hey lets hang out or hey let me have a conversation with you....i'm sick of going to people.
my neighbors won't shut up. hey remember in like preschool when we learned about 6 inch voices?? obviously they were taught 6 feet voices. Maybe they should carry there dance party somewhere else because its fucking annoying.