Oct 29, 2007 12:59
So, it occurred to me the other day that I had 40 friends listed in my other journal. Out of those 40 friends only about 25 of them post at all. Of those, about 18 post frequently. Out of those 18, I've only heard from about 12 of them in the past 6 months-1 year (if I've even met or spoken to them at all ever). That being said, I decided it was time for a change and some clean up. If you've been added, it means that: a.) you post sometimes b.) I like reading what you have to say c.) if I posted, I theorize you might actually read it and care d.) I have blackmail pictures of you, your mom, your dad, or your pet e.) for the lulz f.) all of the above.
Feel free to friend back, or throw me some new contacts if there is someone you think I'd mesh well with. Oh, and if anyone from my old list finds this and wants in, add me and I'll add back.