
Oct 21, 2006 16:33

Ok, so, life has gotten significantly better. I still haven't found any people I can really open up to, but I have found people who have the same mindset I do. Granted there are very few of them, it is still reassuring to know that these people see nothing wrong in getting involved elsewhere then college. They are all upperclassman as well, so that makes me feel even better.

The film professor loved my performance in the student film. It seems absurd since it was just a small, 5 minute movie, but I still feel a little reassured. He spoke to me personally and told me he was going to give my contact information to other groups in the future since I'm going to be here for awhile. He also told me that when I get a copy I should edit it so only my scenes are on it and send it out to agencies. He also said he thinks I would be perfect for that show Veronica Mars. Apparently he told that to the crew a few times too. haha. It's weird, but it's still a real confidence booster considering I always thought I would suck at film.

Some news that might shock some people...I have a date on sunday with, what appears to be so far, a NORMAL guy! He's in my theater one class. He's 20. James told me that's too old. We'll see how that goes.

In other news I have a slight stalker. Who is he? I have no idea. He has been iming me telling me he has been "watching and admiring me" for awhile. He wont tell me who he is, but he keeps trying to get me to meet him at starbucks. I wont, of course. I am not going to deliberatly step into an akward situation. Weirdo.

As for that Chris guy (the one in my myspace picture)...just, ew. I will never go anywhere with him again. I was stupid to in the first palce. I almost got myself in a bit of trouble with him. Thank god I had my pepper spray just in case! (btw, he's the one that tried to reserve that hotel room for us).

On November 8th I'm modeling for an NYC photographer. She uses to photograph for models but she moved to High Falls with her husband so they could start their own experimental studio with simple "slices of life" style photographs. It isn't paid, but I get a full cd of all of the pictures, as well as any free retouching I want. My mom suggested I get a portfolio together so I can get involed with other modeling oppertunities if they come up. I think that's a great idea! While I don't want to be a model, it's another way to break into the business.


Hm...what else. Ok, so this isn't really a quick update. OH!! My group for theater one is doing sections from No Exit for our midterm. Today we are going to ask her if we can do the entire thing outdoors in the spring. We found an awesome place to perform and we have some great ideas. I'm also playing the part of Inez since the other girl can't play aggresive characters very well. Usually I would say I coulnd't either, but because I'm in a new place and don't really know anyone, I'm taking risks. I think I've fooled them all so far!

blah blah roomate is still a slob. My other roommate and I bond over talking about how messy she is. We finally got cable in our room (thanks to my daddy!) and I've got my bus tickets for thanksgiving all lined up as well. (thanks to my dad as well!) I also almost beat the video game that ryan and andy sent me. It's amazing! I need to get the second one when I go home.

Ok, last thing. I went to talk to one of the theater professors who is kind of ostracized from the rest of the department. I like him a lot, and I wanted him to know that people still knew who he was (even if I was am just a freshman). We started talking about film and he let me check out all of these books on it. Right now I am reading Michael Cain's book on film acting. He told me I can come in and talk or sign out a book whenever I want.

Ok, so I guess life is pretty good. Granted I still want a car desperatley if I'm going to come here next year, I think I've made good progress on getting my name known. Now I'm still waiting to find that group of friends. I mean, I have friends here, but no one that I would just call up to hang out with. But it's all good. I've always done well on my own. And I still have my friends from back home to talk to!

P.S.- please excuse all typos. I'm in a rush!
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