May 25, 2005 08:33
right now its like...8:30 AM and im in second period (Desktop Publishing) so i probably shouldnt be doing this. as soon as mrs. Renoux sits back at her desk ill get off but i am bored (and sick) as hell. *pout* it sucks majorly. oh well, ill get over it. I cant really leave early today because we have the debate banquet tonight at F&O's which i am pretty excited for. I dont think i will get an award but that is okay, if i dont get the one for best incoming member (or whatever it is) i hope Grant does. I dont mind losing to him, but if it is to anyone else *cough* (no names) i would be a little ego damaged. Damn, that sounded annoyingly egotistical. Dont worry, im not that narsisistic. Wow i think that is spelled really wrong. Oh well, okay im dont rambling about the nothings of my mind. OOh by the wyay cough syrup is the bomb.