Caroline Kennedy supports gay marriage

Dec 22, 2008 23:59

Caroline Kennedy supports gay marriage

365gay Newscenter Staff
12.22.2008 10:49am EST

(New York City) US Senate hopeful Caroline Kennedy says she supports the right of gay and lesbian couples to marry.

Kennedy is seeking the Senate seat being vacated by Hillary Clinton who has been nominated by President-elect Barack Obama to be Secretary of State.

Kennedy is one of several people seeking the seat. NY Gov. David Paterson has not indicated when he will make his selection.

Kennedy’s position on same-sex marriage puts her to the left of both Clinton and Obama, who have said they believe marriage should be limited to opposite-sex
couples but that they support civil unions for gay couples.

It does, however, put her on a par with Paterson, who supports legislation in New York state to allow same-sex marriage.

Kennedy’s position was contained in a policy statement released by her spokesperson after The Buffalo News sent her inquiries involving several policy areas.

“Caroline supports full equality and marriage rights for gay and lesbian couples,” Kennedy spokesman Stefan Friedman said.

Friedman also said that Kennedy “supports President-elect Obama’s plan to work with our military leaders to begin a responsible withdrawal.” He said she
supports a ban on assault weapons and the expansion of health care coverage to all Americans.

Among the others seeking Clinton’s Senate seat is NY Attorney General Andrew Cuomo.


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