May 16, 2006 07:23
Imagine a world at Pease... because of rules?
Is it possible?
Maybe there should be a new rule for American presidents...
Hell... Let's make it 3!
Rule 1:
No first term president shall declare war.
Penalty: Death at end of presidential term.
Rule 2:
No first term president shall run for a second term unless a state of emergency is declared and the nation is in jeopardy. If the nation is truly in danger, then a national committee, elected by the people, shall oversee investigation into the cause and nature of the emergency for the 2nd term of the presidency. Should the emergency be found and proven to be false at any time, the president shall be removed from office immediately. An international investigations committee, with officials elected to represent each nation, religious and philosophical group known to man, elected by the people of said group shall be put in place to investigate and judge the American president on behalf of the world.
Penalty of falsification: Death.
Rule 3:
Should a war be necessary, and lives must be lost, the 2nd term American president accepts responsibility for his actions and the lives on both sides his judgment must cost.
As such, he will be given an honourable, painless death upon resignation of his 2nd term, and he shall be placed in the heavens of whatever god he shall choose to follow, and hailed as a hero by all mankind for the rest of time known to mankind.
Personally, I think these rules might keep "GEORGE BUSH" from happening again.
... What do you think?