Mar 24, 2009 21:00
Yeah, so talked the rentals into interwebz today... decided to rock it on lj. Figured i need someplace to record the epicness that is me (inner voice: yeah...... right...... epic. you sleep for 12 HOURS A DAY, LOSER!) but anyway. epic. yeah. thats me alright lolz. oh, but today i got a math tutor! sort of! hes my freind the vampire..... hes WAY better at precal than i am, hes getting like 60's!!!! (yeah, i know. shut up. i hatemath, and im sure its mutual.) but hes helping me learn all the stuff i missed while i was at the play. i think i should do this to him more often, he pays more attention in class this way.... oh, and turns out we have the exact same personality (the interwebz said so. and they are ALWAYS right)...... any my freind dreamer tried to one up the religion teacher on a test.... not the brightest thing ever, done, but valiant. the teacher IS a biased, oppressive asshole. looking forward to shooting my mosin.... it was a present for cleaning my room, epic as all get out, but i gotta wait for nice weather.... *sigh*
ah, well. over and out! ^^