Oct 21, 2008 07:12
I think if you're able to be on the road you need a mother fucking license.
To drive a car, yep you need a license.
Motorcycle? Scooter? Both require a god damned license.
Why the fuck not people on bicycles??
They weave, they don't use the designated signals, they'll occupy the roadway without first noticing there is a big fucking bicycle lane right god damned NEXT TO THEM!
I'm all for bike riding. Its healthy, saves the cost of car/gas/insurance. But really, the same laws and rules should apply especially when such risks of getting mowed the fuck down by something heavier and bigger than you. My car is going to win if you start peddling into the road without first taking notice that if there is a stop sign racing right through it into the side of my metal, gas powered, vehicle is going to seriously destroy that fixed gear bike you paid 200 bucks for from some hippi at burning man.
God damnit. I'm so pissed...I might just write an angry email! Yeah, I said it! An angry email!!! To whom...yeah I haven't really figured that out yet...but it'll be someone important!
Pro-bike people that think not every dumbass with a bike should be allowed on the roadways!