(no subject)

Dec 07, 2003 01:18

Oh look. I'm still alive. In a sense.

And interfering in Norolinde's life because that's what I do. It's a stalker thing.

Found her in a bar. Argued with her in a bar. Turned down her 'deal' of having her for two dollars. More arguing. Bought her some drinks. At which point she stayed the same went crazy in her drunken tomfoolery.

...Yeah, that's about it.

Namuras: *eyes her*

Norolinde: . . . ::eyes him:: What?

Namuras: if you were gay?

Norolinde: If I was gay! I'd do ya.

Namuras: If you were gay you'd do Mithrellas

Norolinde: Oh, I knew that already.

Norolinde: We've been over that river before.

Namuras: so why gay to do me?

Norolinde: I'm druuuuuuunk. You made a prettier girl'n I did.

Namuras: gee.

Norolinde: You did. Shaddup.

Namuras: even with the facial hair?

Norolinde: You had red facial hair?

Namuras: I just got lost

Norolinde: When you were a girl.

Namuras: oh god. that.

Norolinde: ::grins:: Eehee. Pretty girl.

Namuras: *covers his face*

Norolinde: You need more beer. ::nudges him:: Drink'up.

Namuras: *drinks*

Norolinde: Mmm. Does a body good. ::peers in hers:: Allgone!

Namuras: *offers his*

Norolinde: ::headtilts:: But it's yoursh.

Namuras: I'm big on sharing

Norolinde: Really? ::perks up:: Me too, move over. ::climbs on his lap::

Namuras: so I should give you alcohol more often.

Norolinde: I like being sober. ::pouts:: God, you're bony. ::wriggles::

Namuras: You're less psycho like this. >.> ack.

Norolinde: Bad? ::jumps off and tilts on the floor:: Whoo! ::spins to address the room at large:: Two bucks! Two bucks and you can take a ride on this little pony! Two bucks!

Namuras: *politely gags her*

Norolinde: o.O Keen-kah? ::starts to remove her dress::

Namuras: *tries to hold it on her*

Norolinde: ::looks hurt::

Namuras: no randomly getting naked

Norolinde: ;_; Peese?

Namuras: *eyedart* no.

Norolinde: ::pouts though the gag and wanders off to find someone with two dollars::

Namuras: >.< *follows*

Norolinde: ::pulls puppy eyes at an intoxicated patron and giggles as he pulls her into his lap:: Twoah dowwas!

Namuras: and five dollars to keep me from breaking your neck. *politely to him*

Norolinde: ::tries to stick her tongue out at Namuras and blinks as it hits the gag:: ::bounces::

Namuras: *grabs her*

Norolinde: o.o Lmgo!

Namuras: *tosses her over his shoulder*

Norolinde: o.O Lmgo?

Namuras: *sits her back down at the bar and removes her gag*

Norolinde: ::looks back at the man:: Two dollars?

Namuras: *threatening gestures*

Norolinde: Stoppit, pimp. ::slaps his hand::

Namuras: pimp?

Norolinde: ::nods:: A pimp whores out his prostitutes for some of the money they make.

Namuras: uh...you're deeply horrifying at times

Norolinde: Whyyyyyyyyyy?

Namuras: I'm not a pimp, you're not a prostitute.

Norolinde: Fine, yes I am. I'm not a princess anymore. ::said as if he should know this:: I haveta make the money back.

Namuras: What money?

Norolinde: The money! ::gestures at him:: Duh.

Namuras: What money? None of us seem to actually *use* money...

Norolinde: The money I owe Gorlim. ::rolls her eyes:: Two dollars at a time.

Namuras: what money do you owe Gorlim? And how?

Norolinde: I owe him money for his ring! ::holds up a finger:: By sleeping with people.

Namuras: your logic is skewed.

Norolinde: Isn't. Two dollars. ::raises her voice:: Two dollars! Two! Just two for me!

Namuras: She bites!

Norolinde: Only if you like that!

Namuras: And she's got syphillis!

Norolinde: O.O ::slaps him::

Namuras: Just warning the public

Norolinde: He's such a liar! ::scrambles up onto the bar:: He's lying, I don't!

Namuras: trust me on this, folks! I know from horrible experience

Norolinde: Fucker! ::kicks at him -- is he solid? we wait in baited anticipation!::

Namuras: *lets it connect*

Norolinde: . . . eek. ::falls backwards::

Namuras: *catches*

Norolinde: ::glares at him:: Hate you.

Namuras: love you.

Norolinde: Liar.

Namuras: I don't lie.

Norolinde: Fucker.

Namuras: Yes.

Norolinde: . . . let me down and go away.

Namuras: no. Or you will really will end up with syphillis

Norolinde: Won't! Everybody's clean!

Namuras: take a gooood long look at them

Norolinde: ::looks:: . . . gosh, they're manly.

Namuras: *rolls eyes*

Norolinde: Let gooooooooo I'll be fine.

Namuras: No

Norolinde: I'll do you for free?

Namuras: tempting

Norolinde: ::tries to smack him in the balls::

Namuras: *goes intangible*

Norolinde: o.o ::falls to the ground in a heap::

Namuras: You have a vicious streak

Norolinde: ::cries::

Namuras: ...*offers her a napkin*

Norolinde: ::gets up and goes looking amongst the patrons again, ignoring him::

Namuras: *sighs and trails after*

Norolinde: . . . anybody? Please? o.o

Namuras: *looks forboding behind Noro*

Norolinde: ::quietly:: Is it cold outside?

Namuras: yes.

Norolinde: Great. ::heads for the door, stripping out of her dress on the way and runs outside::

Namuras: dear god. *follows, grabbing her dress*

Norolinde: I hate you! Leave me alone! ::runs down the street::

Namuras: That's nice. *keeps pace*

Norolinde: Nobody wants me! How am I supposed to pay back the money if nobody wants me!

Namuras: there is always the option of going 'fuck you, Gorlim'

Norolinde: I'm not gonna do that.

Namuras: why?

Norolinde: Because that's what everyone *expects* me to do.

Norolinde: And let go of my dress, I'm NOT wearing it.

Namuras: Well, it is the sensible thing to do. Since he's a twit

Norolinde: Please notice that nobody *wants* me back.

Namuras: I count as no one?

Norolinde: So you're the only one, out of an entire city.

Namuras: And a ghost. Thanks to you

Norolinde: I killed you? When?

Namuras: Nevermind.

Norolinde: Whatever. Go away. Where's the nearest body of water?

Namuras: None nearby

Norolinde: I want to get clean.

Namuras: get you into a bath then

Norolinde: "There are no bodies of water nearby".

Namuras: yes?

Norolinde: No baths, then.

Namuras: Baths are not bodies of water

Norolinde: They are too.

Namuras: Are not

Norolinde: Are too. ::snatches her dress and throws it to the side:: Go. Away.

Namuras: No.

Norolinde: Yes. ::walks randomly around:: TWO DOLLARS.

Namuras: are you feeling cold yet?

Norolinde: Nope. Two! One fifty! One! Fifty cents! TEN cents! Anybody!

Namuras: How's a penny?

Norolinde: How about three?

Namuras: haggler

Norolinde: Pimp.

Namuras: *kisses* I still don't feel like paying

Norolinde: o.O You can pay me to put my dress back in and take a bath.

Namuras: that works

Norolinde: Three pennies, please.

Namuras: *hands it over*

Norolinde: Thanks. ::finds her dress and slips it back on:: Where to.

Namuras: take you back to the quarters

Norolinde: Great. Since they like me so much there.

Namuras: I'll run interference if you wish

Norolinde: Interference?

Namuras: keep people away from you.

Norolinde: Whatever. ::begins walking::

Namuras: Your manners are wonderful

Norolinde: Syphillis. HONESTLY.

Namuras: heh

Norolinde: Like I'd get syphillis. ::kicks at him::

Namuras: *dodges*

Norolinde: ::glares but keeps her balance:: Why do I have babies with the asshole fathers?

Namuras: does not wanting you dead count for nothing around here?

Norolinde: I'm better off dead, y'know. Except for the babies. Gotta watch the babies.

Namuras: Quorin seems to be doing fine.

Norolinde: I have to watch *all* my babies!

Namuras: mmm

Norolinde: If their dads won't do it, I'll be a good mom. I won't let them have bad fathers, Namuras! I won't!

Namuras: I haven't killed and eaten him yet. What more do you want from me?

Norolinde: For you to care for him!

Namuras: We suffer personality differences

Norolinde: . . . dammit, Namuras, you don't even get it. ::facepalms and moves to the side of the street so she can throw up::

Namuras: that and he really really doesn't like me

Norolinde: ::kneels and shivers:: Why can't we all just be fine? Why not?

Namuras: well, I was created to kill things. That's my excuse

Norolinde: Go away now. ::drops her hands to the ground and tries to fall asleep::

Namuras: haven't gotten my money's worth yet

Norolinde: Yes you have.

Namuras: you haven't bathed yet. *sits down beside her*

Norolinde: Don't wanna. ::pushes at him::

Namuras: ah, but I paid!

Norolinde: I'll give it back.

Namuras: I do not approve

Norolinde: Of what?

Namuras: your Ways

Norolinde: That's nice, thanks for caring. ::curls up and shuts her eyes::

Namuras: *sighs and waits*

Norolinde: Are you gone yet?

Namuras: no.

Norolinde: ::groans and opens her legs:: Fine, do it already.

Namuras: do what?

Norolinde: It.

Namuras: is 'it' staring at you like you're crazy?

Norolinde: Nope. It's how we woulda made Quorin if you'd just married me and hadn't died.

Namuras: Ah.

Norolinde: So are you gonna or not?

Namuras: I'll go with option not

Norolinde: . . . dammit. ::shuts her legs and rolls away from him::

Namuras: *picks her up*

Norolinde: . . . fine. ::curls into him::

Namuras: *pets*

Norolinde: Let's go.

Namuras: as you wish. *teleports her to the quarters* Where are you sleeping, anyway?

Norolinde: In the hall outside the twins' room.

Namuras: with a cot, at least.

Norolinde: Nope, wall.

Namuras: *sighs and goes to get one*

Norolinde: Stop that.

Namuras: stop what?

Norolinde: No cot.

Namuras: why?

Norolinde: Don't need one.

Namuras: *rolls his eyes and sets it up*

Norolinde: Have fun lying down.

Namuras: *picks her up and dumps her on it*

Norolinde: ::blinks innocently up at him:: What about my bath?

Namuras: I can handle you being smelly

Norolinde: But I'm all cold.

Norolinde: ::looks down her dress:: Yep. Wanna see?

Namuras: *covers his eyes*

Norolinde: You say you love me.

Namuras: I do.

Norolinde: I don't think you do. Not by how you're acting.

Namuras: oh?

Norolinde: Mmhmm. ::crosses her arms::

Namuras: By keeping you away from strange men, not letting you sell yourself, keeping you warm, setting you up a bed...

Norolinde: Not doing anything. Are you an eunuch?

Namuras: I'm not interested in sleeping with someone who hates themself.

Norolinde: I don't hate myself.

Namuras: what's all this then?

Norolinde: What's all what?

Namuras: *gestures at Noro* you. How you're acting

Norolinde: I'm fine.

Namuras: mm

Norolinde: Where are you gonna sleep?

Namuras: I don't really need to.

Norolinde: So? Where?

Namuras: *shrugs*

Norolinde: ::points to the cot:: Here. Now.

Namuras: *sighs and lays down*

Norolinde: Good boy. ::bends to the floor and sits with her back to the wall:: Night.

Namuras: *grabs and pulls her into the cot*

Norolinde: o.o Lemme out.

Namuras: mm. No.

Norolinde: You don't like me like that.

Namuras: Like you like what?

Norolinde: Like . . . ohmygod, if the twins come out they'll kill me.

Namuras: why?

Norolinde: They're mostly under the impression daddy still likes mommy.

Namuras: I'm mommy's bodyguard. *yawns*

Norolinde: . . . well, mommy's not cold anymore. ::snuggles close:: If it breaks in the middle of the night, you're dead.

Norolinde: . . . again.

Namuras: got it. *holds*

Norolinde: Mmhmm. ::falls asleep::

this cot is uncomfortable and she's drooling. I probably shouldn't feel pleased. pets Norolinde's hair
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