Did this for my digital drawing class. We were supposed to make an interior of some sort with ghosts...the idea being that this would get all the temptation to use cheesy photoshop filters/effects/etc out of our systems. So yeah,
this is what I ended up with. Was a bit more creative with my process then usual. Everything except the girl, the ghostie, and the pillows were built in 3d studio max. I got annoyed with trying to draw the perspective by hand, since the angle's a bit unusal and it's more difficult for me to visualize what it should end up looking like. Also, I was an idiot and drew the girl and the ghostie first, and then tried to draw an interior that they'd fit into. Yeah, right. Sooo much easier to do on the computer, where I could move around the viewpoint as much as I want without having to completely redraw the entire damn thing. Anyways, I printed out a render of the model, traced it, and the scanned it to try to kill the 3d-ness. With only painting over the model, there were still some weird edges, and it looked kinda odd that the the figures were outlined and nothing else was. Am pleased with how that worked out, although this painting still has some rough spots. I'm starting to wonder if I'm EVER going to be happy with the damn floor or window.