Security Measures (In a White Room. . .)

Feb 02, 2007 13:42

RP-thread for queenemma, summers_grey and shaman_x

"All right. Okay." Jean clasps her hands nervously and looks at the other three people in the bare-walled white room. Her daughter from another dimension, the young man whose body houses the transmigrated soul of her son from another dimension (that IS how it works? She thinks so), and of course the woman who is her former husband's lover. They just have to spend the next two days in close psychic proximity while working to stop any assassins or other potential trouble makers from causing a major diplomatic incident. What could possibly go wrong?

"I'm going to try to explain this the way Cable explained it." She nods her head, and suddenly the room looks much bigger. Images of every room in the main building, and every surrounding street, sewer, and ventilation shaft surround them. At first the images threaten to spin out of control, but Jean remembers the technique Cable taught her, and she stabilizes them. She blinks and another set of screens materialize beside them. Brainwave scans, each labeled with the name of an attendee at the summit, quickly flash back and forth on the screen. Jean is pretty sure that none of the attendees signed informed-consent waivers about having four powerful telepaths digging around in their brains, but when Jean pointed this out to Nathan, he shrugged. The four of you will use the information responsibly. Obviously. Jean honestly wasn't sure if there was a wink-wink nudge-nudge implied there.

"So. All right. There are two aspects to this system. The majority of it is passive. We're plugged into Cable's infonet system, and just by being here, our psychic energy is powering the anti-violence shields. That's why three of us have to be here at any given time. If at all possible, it should be me, Emma, and Rachel, because it's programmed to our thought patterns. Mike, you're here as more of a backup." And to keep the rest of us from killing each other, Jean knows but doesn't add. "You can come and go as you please. The three of us are pretty much here for the duration, which is why we used one of Xavier's old subroutines to eliminate the need for sleep." Jean clears her throat. "Cable swears. This was the only way."

"In addition to the passive system," she adds, we'll need to take turns making periodic psychic and visual sweeps of the area." Nodding at the floating images, she says, "Thus the need for all of this. It looks kind of overwhelming, but Cable coached me and it's a lot simpler than it looks." She nods at Emma. "In fact, as much work as you've done with Cerebra, it should be a snap. Now." She breathes in. "There's just one catch and it's not a fun one. If there's a subject with psychic resistance, he or she may be able to overcome the power dampener. Weapon X subjects could be a problem, but Cable assures me that between his people and SHIELD and ONE, they have that end covered."

Sort of. Cable had sheepishly mentioned that the one person who might be able to sneak in undetected was his old . . .colleague Deadpool. But Wade wouldn't cause any trouble at my summit, he assured. He would consider it rude. After a moment of staring, Jean pointed out that Deadpool was the rudest person she had ever met. Point taken, said Cable. Let's just say if Wade causes trouble, I can handle it myself.

"So," Jean continued. "That just leaves one person to be on the lookout for. Unfortunately, it's Mystique. We won't be able to detect her psychically, and we won't be able to recognize her physically unless and until she wants us to. I have Rogue stationed in the meeting room on Mystique detection duty. Meanwhile, all we can do is keep an eye out for anything anomalous. Anyone behaving unusually. It's not a huge concern, because the forcefields should keep her from actually harming anyone. Still, knowing Raven, she'll find another way. We just have to do the best we can." Jean looks around the room. "Questions?"

summit, rp

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