Ethical dilemma

Dec 09, 2007 10:41

Logan is taking me to the Springsteen show in Hartford at the end of February. (He doesn't know this yet, but he is). I missed the last tour Bruce did with the Band, what with being dead, so I'm crazy excited about this one.

Now, here's my question -- I will, of course, be happy with anything they play but I've been looking at the set lists for the tour online, and some songs I would definitely like to hear a little bit more than others. Which of the following would fall within the ethical range of behavior:

1) Let Bruce pick his own set list. It's his music!
2) Choose the set list that I think would be perfect and start working on a low level telepathic influence as soon as possible.
3) Leave most of the set list to chance but pick 2 or 3 songs that I really need to hear and make a concentrated effort to get him to play those.
4) Other (explain).

I told you this was important.
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