OOC: Gotta take a break

Mar 07, 2007 17:40

Hey, fangirls & boys. theatrical_muse and associated RP threads have been a blast, as always, but real life beckons and I've got to take a while away from the keyboard. I've done my best to wrap up threads my pups are involved in (save a tag or two between Jean and Logan, which I hope we can do tonight). So for the most part, shadeof_grey, tm_cable, and iron_tony will be absent from these parts from now until approximately March 19.

In brief, Jean is going to be out of commission (Wanda will see to that shortly), Tony will be busy with SHIELD, and Cable will be. . .unreachable while doing various Cable-ish things. Since he regularly disappears for months at a time from his own title, without explanation, this is perfectly in character.

Feel free to drop me an OOC comment if you want to get a message to me. Otherwise, I'll see you when I get back!
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