
Sep 07, 2005 01:25

This may be my first entry but the ppl who will read this will now who i am so therefore won't require a long drawn out introduction, that said, I thought it would be fun to let ppl know my opinion on the hurricane and see just how many people I can piis off :-).

this is where I've been called a heartless bastard, but I dont really give a damn...

Most everyone that is currentl down there that did not evacuate, as got what they had coming, they had plenty of time to get out, yet they didn't, even people who were supposedly "too poor" to leave could have found transportation if they had tried, they stayed because they saw an opportunity to do what ever they wanted with litteral impunity, so they stayed, and most in staying became criminals, I wont say the ones who were looting food are criminals, because that was a neccasity, but dozens of shoes? guns? jackets? ad jeans? people who took those are criminals. I say napalm New Orleans and start over, I mean it's basically a total loss anyway, so y not save the taxpayers money by destroying it all instead of the long drawn out process of bull dozing... Anyway that's just me... and a lot of my friends and family...

Now let me be clear on one point, the people who left and lost everything or even just a little, have my deepest sympathies, and once i get a job I'll donate regularly to the charities, and the officers and fire fighters, who have died in recent days my prayers are with them in that I hope the murdering bastards are forever tortured, in a most gruesome way.. nuff said.
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