Happy National Pot Smoking Day. >_O;

Apr 20, 2005 17:45

Okay, yeah, so that was random.
But 4/20. Hah hah.

Today was boring. Me and my mom have this agreement that if I miss the bus I don't go to school. So yesterday I missed the bus on purpose cause I didn't feel like going.

I was like.

I'mmmm bruuushinnng myyy teeetthhh.

So, yeah, missed it, chilled at home. Went today, though. Spanish class sucked, but it was the first class that I noticed the date so I got kinda excited. For some strange reason. Yay for giddy freshman. And then second period English class I had to sit through the class reviewing for this stupid ass test that I already know I'm gonna ace. And then third period is history and everyone else took a test in that class that I got out of cause I wasn't there yesterday. Worked on my shapes project in design fourth period, started to work on my building design project in art fifth. Actually went to lunch today sixth period. Had a chewy cheeseburger and some really good fries with ketchup and this kinda diseased tasting banana/orange ice pop that I licked the top of a few times and decided I didn't wanna risk my life and eat it. Took some notes in science class seventh period, worked on some mature-themed comics in study hall in the cafeteria during eighth. Had math class nineth, last period, which really blew because my teacher is a vampire. She screamed at everyone for acting up and wouldn't let us leave for a few minutes after the last bell rung. That figures, I already knew she was trying to keep up behind so she could reap our souls, but I kept my mouth shut. Escaped, anyway.

Some kid on the bus kept pulling on the back of my sweater. Like yanking it from behind me so it choked me. So I turned around and aimed to sock him in the face. Missed. Sorta poked him in the chest instead. Big guy. Football. I started on my will when I walked into the house.

Ate some strawberries, roleplayed a little while with this really awesome chick I met on a forum. She's really cool, kinda makes me begin to have faith in mankind again.

Nah, not really. That was just for the shock effect.
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