AAAAAAAhahahahah no, don't getcher hopes up :)
This ain't no 3D MMORPGFPS.
Instead it's a TV game.
I started noticing something about SG-1
Now, before you read on, note that eventhough it may seem a lot of fun at first, it might end up being distracting and you might not be able to ever watch SG-1 seriously again after you learn this.
=So beware, and turn back if you're scared. Don't read on beyond this if you wish to hang on to your serious and undisturbed SG-1 viewing pleasure.=
A while back I started noticing something about Teal'c.
The amount of times he responds with the word "Indeed" on the show is amazing!
And after a while of observing his behaviour I started to see patterns.
That's right, it's possible to predict EXACTLY, when Teal'c is gonna lift an eyebrow and say "Indeed...".
It's hilarious. But also very distracting as you might imagine lol.
So give it a shot next time you settle down in front of your tube with a bag of popcorn and a drink to enjoy your SG-1 evening. :)
Much fun to be had! Right Teal'c?