Sep 13, 2005 19:56
Here is what happened while I was in Florida... we wrote it down so we wouldn't forget. ("we" including, Ash, Jam, and Binaka.)
I was in florida by Niceville...
Alright well sunday night we left for destin which took eight hours to get here which is gaymo..... We saw Brennan Williams at a totally RANDOM waffle house on the way up which messed with our heads big time.
YOU&ICOLLIDE (trip theme song)
We finally got to destin around one and Ashley was amazed by these pictures on the wall..geezums. Then we are all trying to get to sleep and Ashley keeps talking her head off...and would not shutup for anything.
We got up the next morning and we got dressed up for walmart hahahaha and had fun throwing condoms and KY gelly in people baskets. Yea... we're Gay. We made red poles quite friendly beings... haha. We made it home just in time for LAGUNA AND SWEET SIXTEEN. Which was all gay. Laguna was gay.
After that we played "never have i ever" (on Bianca's request) hahaha. Then sleep.
Day two we went to the pool and played some COOL pool games: down by the riverside, cattegories, chicken, and marco polo. Came back and showered and got really hot and put on some crazy makeup and...didnt go anywhere. Once again... we're gay. We went and sat by the beach and watched the pretty dolphins and ate some good rotel for dinner. Then we are all outside sitting on the balcony talking to Lee and Bianca decides that she's going to stick her knees between the bars.... well her freaking knees get stuck in the bars for the 3rd time...GAHH. She kept crying and laughing it was funny afterwards but her knees were numb and all red at the time. We were gonna call the fire dept. but Mrs. Millie got her knees out with some lotion and ice. Came back in and told stories about chicken people. Great times.
Got up the next day Ashley, Bianca, Jam and I went to walmart and played around there we saw a hot guy but he had bleach soo....bleach=wife. We were in line cracking ourselves up and then guy in front of us was laughing at us also so we decide to get in his face...not seriously we were joking around but it was just funny. Got back to the hotel and watched a ROCKING video...and played trust and went to bed.
Got up the next day and moved hotels to Eglin's Air Force Base and luckily the Webb's were there also which was really weird. We went on base and went shopping and Bianca & Ash got sweet wallets. Where I spilled coke on her phone. Then we went over to the Webbs room and then we all left and went to the airplane tower where we met JOSEPH LINCOLN REILLY. YUM=) Came home.
Got up from an awakening phone call from john hannah at 9oclock in the morning. We all got dressed and thought we were going to lunch with Bianca's parents but we didnt so we went to the pep rally at "our new school" niceville high and our pep rallies are so much better. Got back to Eglins and watched Dirty Dancing and took a nap. Dressed and went to a BBQ at the place and then all of the OS people that were there we all went to the Niceville football game where we met Kyle, Greg, Jimmy, Gary, JESSE MCCARTNEY, Harry, and some surfer and soccer guys. so hott. oh yeah and YON so german exchange student. The way back to Eglins we all sung the hump lump song & all transferred the "BIANCA DISEASE" hahah. JOHANNA&WES and yeha.
Day up and Bianca slept on robes..ROBES and fought til gay crap and finally all got ready and left for the river 3 hours late. We got there and all the guys were ready to go so we just down to the tropical smoothie place with them and then left for Donnie's and Kyle Harry and Plumb were following us anonomously. We went swimming and then Jimmy showed up and invited us to his house so Bianca Ashley Jam and I went over there with a whole bunch of cool people. MASSIVE PLUMB. hahaha. THE V was prolly one of the funnest days. left and got dressed at the hotel and went freaking laser bowling with all the guys and had alot of fun there.
Tangled Up in You (another wonderful trip song.)
Got back to the room and noticed with her luck that Bianca had black crap all over her face when she had been with Kyle the whole night and he didnt even say anything..she sucks.
Last day... We were gonna make it worth it. Thought about sleeping in but didnt and we went to breakfast at waffle waffle one egg. Then we all went down to Destin beach and swam and Kyle came down... umm yeah...uhh he left and then we went down the other beach and saw Donnie and Jonathan and skimmed and some crazy old lady went off on me and jam went was great. "hot lifeguard" &&& "the flounder" or should i say "the stingray" I got my face planted in the sand skimming hah we also took pictures in the sunset...
Then we left and went to o'charleys and it was MY bday haha we are huslers Jimmy and Ky ended up being right next to us haha stalkers So we went to see them... Mrs. Millie found her brother which was a relief we sang sad songs on the way to Egllins and then Bryan Webb came over and showed us pictures and videos of OS...its messed up....bad. oh yeah...
Good God it was a fun trip... I felt guilty for having a good time though, while other people were suffering.
I had a lot of fun with Donnie.... :)
I love you all and I hope that you are safe and in good health.
Love you all.