Aug 23, 2004 22:11
Today was ok. nothing great but nothing totally horrible. uhh..i just went to school. i got two new classes. Art & Fundamentls of PE. hah. I have the PE class w/ vanessa garcia ;D which is fun! Plus, i like Mr. Martinez ;P And for art i have a buncha people i don't know & i suck at drawing. We drew feathers and mine looked like a freaking leaf? heh. oh well. After school i was with Jim for like 5 minutes then me, Rollie & Melissa went to the doctor's office to get Rollie's physical then the three of us went to mcallen to see Mel's mom then we met up with my cousin Mike at Barnes & Noble. Mike & Rollie had a talk so me and Mel just finished up some Chemistry work since we have class together. Then we dropped her off & came home and ate :) I talked to James for a bit. I haven't really talked to him in a while so yay! And i'm bored now. i actually did my homework today ;D i'm so proud of me! Alritey, well i'm out. Byye*