(no subject)

Dec 27, 2008 15:37

its funny how everyone this year said it didnt' feel like christmas. i guess christmas loses its happy christmasy spirit when you get older :\ plus when the economy is bad it just destroys peoples moods even more. "nothign ruins happiness more than poverty"

yeah i know christmas isn't about presents and i appreciate that a lot, the real meaning of christmas, you know the birth of Jesus Christ and all. But the commercial side does take a drastic part in the holiday. and it seemed this year everyone was cranky or upset.
I mean seriously this year we became like any other normal family; there was a fight on christmas morning Thats not cool.
i enjoyed my gifts, i got an anvil, a gem picker upper a flat screen hd tv blue ray ps3 games money clothes, gloves, a hat, an awesome drawing by lauren, and a bite on the chin by taht wretched bird of mine; isis. i was just kissing her head and bam! she bit me. oh and a watch and make up set. if i forgot anything lo siento.

my goal for this holiday is to hibernate till i'm not tired anymore...only thats not working. i'm still tired when i wake up. :\ and i do get a decent amount of sleep i'm jsut tired still.

*sigh* i'm babysitting tonight. and i cleaned my fishtank. yay.
Celtic Thunder came out with a new cd :o! i totally would like to get that.

i hate the word "want" not want in general but the phrase "i want"

i can't wait for spring.

i get to start applying to schools soon. *sigh* and get a job. my bank account is pathetic at the current moment.
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