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Program: Photoshop CS3
Difficulty: Medium
PSD Included: No
0. At first I erased the background of
the original picture [
Source]. I prefer using the extract tool (Filter - Extract) and the eraser tool. But that's completely up to you. Then I cropped
and resized the picture.
1. Now take a simple b/w texture as a base - I cropped a texture by 'peoplemachines' - and add the cropped picture.
2. Duplicate your picture and set the copy to screen, Fill: 20 %.
As always, the darker the picture the higher the opacity.
3. Create a white Color Fill Layer: # ffffff - Set it to Saturation (Layers - New Fill Layer - Solid Color)
4. Create a Levels Layer (Layers - New Adjustment Layer - Levels),
RGB 0 | 1,10 | 255
This helps emphasizing the brighter parts of the picture.
5. Create a new Brightness/Contrast Layer (Layers - New Adjustment - Brightness/Contrast)
Brightness: + 50
Contrast: + 15
That'll add a lot of brightness and a bit of contrast. Again, play around with the adjustments. It depends on your picture.
6. Now add another greyish texture and set the blending mode to Linear Burn, Fill: 70 %.
I took a slightly modified texture by 'peoplemachines'.
7. Add a new greyish texture. I re-used the texture from step 6.
But since the texture is not supposed to cover the whole picture, I erased parts of the texture.
8. Now it's up to you. Either you leave the icon as it is or you add some text.
9. And for a little bit of color I added a light texture and set the blending mode to Lighten. Those light dots work perfectly.
And you're done!
(Light texture by me,
I hope this wasn't to hard to follow, and I'd love to see your results once you've struggled through it. :D