
Oct 05, 2005 10:42

Wow... it has been a long time since i have updated this

A lot has happened since then...

I finally got to college end of August... Washington College in Chestertown MD. Eastern shore... its a beautiful campus here. People are real nice and I am glad that I get to play some baseball. I like my classes, some of them are very tedious however, but what can you expect. I hope all is well with everybody at college or wherever you are.

Some things have been hard to get used to... of course i miss home and i miss everyone that i love who is not with me right now. I cannot wait to come home on the 12th of October and get to see my family and hopefully some of my friends and people who i have missed. Then I am gonna come home for Wootton's Homecoming weekend. Hope to see everybody there.

I miss summer... the nice warm weather, not having to do school work, and just not having to worry about grades and stuff like that. But my friends here are really good people.

Of course, I miss my baby girl dearly. However, I know that we can get through being apart, and when we do, there is nothing that we cannot get through. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. And as much as I was in love with her when we were at home, my heart has longed for her and I know that when I see her again, my love will have only grown.

Today is my mom's birthday. Happy Birthday Mom! Love you!

Happy Jewish New Year, and in a week I will be cleansing myself of my sins by fasting :-\

Again, I hope all is well with everybody, as it is certainly well with me. :-D

I have recently really had an introspection about things, and I feel that college is going to help me (the 17 year old... lol not even 18 yet) really mature about things and help me be a better person. I am excited for the next four years, and maybe I will start updating again because now I am really happy for some reason.

If you want to mail anything to me...

Will Greenberg, Student
300 Washington Ave.
Chestertown, MD 21620
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