... has pretty much assassinated all my evenings.
However, I'm finally getting far enough that I can start doing some advanced fun stuff. I've just started experimenting with redstone, which allows for rudimentary electricity. I have a rail system that goes along a line and has three possible destinations, like:
I think I finally figured out enough of this stuff to create a circuit out of redstone to allow selection of which destination you want to go to, which I think is pretty cool since I've never designed a circuit before.
Where A, B, and C are the various destinations, As, Bs, and Cs are buttons that activate for a second and then turn off, thus setting the tracks for that specific destination (there will have to be 2 buttons in each location, and inverters thrown in appropriately, but that wouldn't affect the overall design), and Ar, Br, and Cr are the reset switches for the circuit which will be activated by pressure pads in front of the waypoint exit so you hit it on your way out.
The circuit is set up so once As, Bs, or Cs are flipped, the paths leading to the track junctions will remain on permanently (even after As, Bs, or Cs are switched off) until one of the reset switches are activated. This allows me to only have to worry about changing tracks from a single state since everything resets after you arrive at a destination.
Pretty excited about trying this large-scale, but it'll take some rearrangement of my current setup.