Title: Truth, Lies and Immortality
Series: Chasing Death
Fandoms: Leverage/Highlander
Pairing: EliotSpencer/Methos
Summary: It’s inevitable that one of the Leverage team’s bad guys is Immortal.
Spoilers: Post The Maltese Falcon Job, pre The Jailhouse Job.
Truth, Lies and Immortality )
I love that it was Eliot's enemy who was immortal, and it makes sense given the kind of people Eliot associates with.
I love Methos' ruminations regarding the age of the other immortal and how most immortals of any real age don't worry too much about having their lives ruined, because they were going to have to start over soon anyway.
I love how Eliot is listening and watching everything, trying to piece together the sense of it all.
And the fact that Methos skirts so very close to a lie because he's not ready to do this to Eliot yet, to introduce him to a lifestyle where he has to keep killing and he can't reform entirely, makes my heart hurt. But I bet Eliot is perfectly aware of how close it came to a lie, what with the other immortal saying "he's not one of us yetThings are going to be tense for a while, but I'm really glad that things will eventually sort ( ... )
I hate the "Welcome back from the dead. BTW, you're totally Immortal now." "Srsly? That's so cool!" reveals, especially because that's *not* Methos and Eliot. There are ramifications that will change everything between them and Eliot isn't even Immortal yet, but he's starting to get that.
I think you secretly read my mind.
Eliot is intelligent and Methos is secretive and that is not a happy combination.
I hope I can continue to do them justice.
Yeah, intelligent observation and secrets do not make a happy combination.
I very much look forward to seeing where you go from here. Keep writing!
I'll be rewatching season 3 over the next while (so possibly more interludes), while I debate with myself who to introduce next: Hardison or Sophie. And whether or not Moreau is Immortal, too.
Ooh, Sophie or Hardison. Choices, choices. Has Sophie discovered yet that one of her caches has been ransacked? And has Parker told Hardison about her new friend?
Er... clearly I should write Hardison next.
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