Title: Disillusionment
Claim: Dean Winchester (Supernatural)
Fandoms: Supernatural/Dark Angel
Prompt: 028 - Children
Summary: Mary wishes there was more she could do.
Part of the
Before the Dawn Universe in which Dean is Alec, or Alec is Dean... it gets a bit confusing.
Table Mary looks up as a child, toddler really, is led into the infirmary. He’s barely four, not that she can tell that from the serious look on his face. He’s one of the X5s and this isn’t the first time she’s had him in her infirmary, not by a long shot. She sees all the kids way too often.
When they’d offered her the job the work had been purely theoretical. She’d never imagined the ways her research could be used. If she had… well there’s not much she can do about it now except try to make it a little easier on the children.
The boy stands at attention even as his arms hangs at a strange angle and Mary bites her lip to remind herself not to fuss over him. There’s a guard in the corner and he’ll definitely report any undue contact. She starts to clinically treat the boy; setting his arm and checking methodically for any other injuries he might not be reporting. That’s happened more times than she cares to think about.
It’s so abhorrent to her to treat children this way and this boy hasn’t even had the worst of the treatment. She knows it’ll only get worse as he gets older. She writes down his injury and designation - X5 494 - on one of the many forms the people in charge require. They like to know every little thing they can about the children, especially the X5s.
She dismisses him and boy looks back at her and smiles just a little. She smiles sadly back.
She has to remind herself that she and her husband have a plan, that they’re going to get as many children out as possible, they just need time. But when the kids come to her day after day with injuries no child should have to endure she isn’t sure that’s enough.