Title: Hunter Hunted Claim: Vin Tanner (Magnificent 7) Fandoms: Magnificent 7/Stargate Atlantis Prompt: 007 - Days Summary: Vin's been running for more days than he can count. Prequel to Real Life Cowboys
Yay! Vin the Runner! SQUEE!!! Vin in Pegasus! Vin stalking Wraith! Vin making poison-tipped arrows! Vin with a bow!
... erm, I wish I could have a Vin with a bow! *eg*
Oh Shifty, I'm so glad you're still writing these. Don't get me wrong, I loves the Sentinel School fics (and will beta this weekend) to death, but Vin-centric crossovers are definitely of the good as well. :)
Hee, I owed you an M7/SGA fic from years ago, so I thought I'd actually get around to writing it. Now I just need to find some way to bring in Riddick.
And I've got more ideas for my Vin table and the Dean table it's just a matter of getting around to writing it and you know just how terrible I am at that.
Comments 3
... erm, I wish I could have a Vin with a bow! *eg*
Oh Shifty, I'm so glad you're still writing these. Don't get me wrong, I loves the Sentinel School fics (and will beta this weekend) to death, but Vin-centric crossovers are definitely of the good as well. :)
And I've got more ideas for my Vin table and the Dean table it's just a matter of getting around to writing it and you know just how terrible I am at that.
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