day 12: the best advice you’ve ever heard, or ever been given

Jun 28, 2011 01:53

Best advice I have ever heard...

I don't know if it is advice per-se, but there are a few words of wisdom I like. So maybe I should combine this post with day 13 - Favorite Quote

1) "The first time someone shows you who they are, believe them" ~ Maya Angelou

This is some of the best advice I have ever heard. We spend a lot of time, particularly in intimate relationships, not believing people when they show us who they are. We make excuses for them, and so we put up with behavior and treatment we should not. I think every young woman needs to be told this, they need to know their own worth. They need to believe in themselves enough that when another young person shows their true colors - devalues them, uses them, puts them down...they know to believe that person and move on. I know that there is pain I could have avoided in my life if when certain people showed me who they were, I believed them and stopped letting them be a part of my life.

2) "When you gonna make up your mind, when you gonna love you as much as I do?" ~ Tori Amos

Less advice, more a touching quote. It is from "Winter" and it always struck me as a very touching thing for a father to say to a daughter. We should all be able to love ourselves as much as those who love us the most - to value ourselves and protect ourselves as we would a child.

3) Stop agreeing to things you don't want.

THIS! This is loosely from "Living out Loud" the main character says at one point that she wants to stop agreeing to things she doesn't want. This made so much sense to me, it really hit me. I realized how many things in my life were the way they were because I hadn't spoken up. That I had been agreeing to things I didn't want. So, my New Year's Resolution for 2001 was to stop agreeing to things I didn't want. It made a radical change in my life. I saw the world differently and I lived true to my own wishes. I think this is some very valuable advice.

And another good quote - "Only the dead are without hope" ~Margaret Weiss, in The Star of The Guardians. This one got me through a lot.

365 day challenge, advice

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