Jun 20, 2014 21:32
Starting date: 17.12.2010
1) Get a driving license
2) Get a new (better) job Pass the CCNA test Get out of this sucky place!!
3) Learn bass guitar
4) Lose 3kgs
5) Get a Blackberry
6) Buy a Laptop
Dateline: 17.12.2011
It has been, what? 4 years? since I made this list.
And now, without realizing it, I'm turning 28 even though I still feel like I was 25. But looking back, things have changed. And a lot of things had happened to me, both good and bad. I'm just thankful that good things happen more than bad things.
From the list itself, I can strike another 3 items, and again, change No. 2 for the better. Wayyy better. I'm really thankful and grateful for my family, my sisters, and the support that I get these past 4 years. I've achieved way more than I can imagine, and the possibilities are now endless to me.
I hope on 17th of December, this year, I can achieve another possibility that I never thought possible.
my life my words