Jan 19, 2007 19:00
[c=47]* , . [lisa.]* , ` [/c=1] says:
mhmmm i wantfooood
[c=47]* , . [lisa.]* , ` [/c=1] says:
mhm i want....chinese foood
[c=47]* , . [lisa.]* , ` [/c=1] says:
mhm cookies
[c=47]* , . [lisa.]* , ` [/c=1] says:
and cheesecake
[c=47]* , . [lisa.]* , ` [/c=1] says:
and yummmmm
Mya Hungy says:
I am having soupz.
Mya Hungy says:
Mya Hungy says:
I love soupz.
[c=47]* , . [lisa.]* , ` [/c=1] says:
[c=47]* , . [lisa.]* , ` [/c=1] says:
I want..
[c=47]* , . [lisa.]* , ` [/c=1] says:
i dont know
[c=47]* , . [lisa.]* , ` [/c=1] says:
moms bringiong me home some dinner
Mya says:
[c=47]* , . [lisa.]* , ` [/c=1] says:
I want tea.
[c=47]* , . [lisa.]* , ` [/c=1] says:
[c=47]* , . [lisa.]* , ` [/c=1] says:
Mya says:
Mya says:
[c=47]* , . [lisa.]* , ` [/c=1] says:
Mya says:
what's a sternum?
[c=47]* , . [lisa.]* , ` [/c=1] says:
google sternum piercing
Mya says:
I wouldn't suggest a tongue peicing. It can get pretty annoying.
Mya says:
Or so I've heard.
[c=47]* , . [lisa.]* , ` [/c=1] says:
Yeah wel I am getting my tongue pierced
Mya says:
I hear people complain about them because they get in the way.
[c=47]* , . [lisa.]* , ` [/c=1] says:
I know alot of people with it
[c=47]* , . [lisa.]* , ` [/c=1] says:
and they never say that
Mya says:
Seriously consider tomorrow...these people who tel you they are sweet are probably just saying that because they are young...when you get older and try to get into a career, it's not so awesoem anymore.
[c=47]* , . [lisa.]* , ` [/c=1] says:
I am not looking at the future i am looking at the present and if its what i wanna do tehn im gunna do it
Im not guna stop myself from doing sometingg just because other people dont like it
Its my body and i can do what I want
Mya the Web Builder says:
Yeah but there are things in life you could focus on instead like enriching yourself and learning and growing to become a better person...image is nothing...thirst is everything...ever heard that frase...it's an analogy to life itself.
Mya the Web Builder says:
In the end...if it takes money and it's not something that you need then it's just material.
Mya the Web Builder says:
The same goes for clothing.
Mya the Web Builder says:
The same goes for makeup.
[c=47]* , . [lisa.]* , ` [/c=1] says:
Why when I want to do something you always go and act like your my mother and try and stop me from doing everyhting I want to do..
Mya the Web Builder says:
I would say this to anyone.
Mya the Web Builder says:
You should thank me for being honest.
[c=47]* , . [lisa.]* , ` [/c=1] says:
Being honest has nothing to this
[c=47]* , . [lisa.]* , ` [/c=1] says:
Its a matter of opinion
[c=47]* , . [lisa.]* , ` [/c=1] says:
and preferance
Mya the Web Builder says:
If I were to lie to you, you'd want that?
Mya the Web Builder says:
I am just saying what I beleive.
Mya the Web Builder says:
It's this franme of mind that got me this far.
[c=47]* , . [lisa.]* , ` [/c=1] says:
Everyone is different...and just because you dont agree with what other people do doenst mean you have to convince them or try to stop them from what they want to do
Mya the Web Builder says:
But you are young....and life is beautifully simple as a teenager.
Mya the Web Builder says:
I understand that.
Mya the Web Builder says:
I am not trying to stop you. I am simply stating my opinion...if you don't want it then politely tell me that you wouldn't like any input.
Mya the Web Builder says:
And I see that you don't so I won't.
[c=47]* , . [lisa.]* , ` [/c=1] says:
I am not saying that I dont want to hear your opinion
Mya the Web Builder says:
I love you no matter what you do.
Mya the Web Builder says:
But my love for you has me acting like big sisters do.
[c=47]* , . [lisa.]* , ` [/c=1] says:
But you are trying to stop me from exploring life and finind out who i want to be
Mya the Web Builder says:
Just trying to look out for my little sis.
[c=47]* , . [lisa.]* , ` [/c=1] says:
I will learn from what I do and my mistakes I make so why stop me?
Mya the Web Builder says:
Exploring life is being open minded and accepting the input from others without hostility.
Mya the Web Builder says:
You can take it or leave it.
[c=47]* , . [lisa.]* , ` [/c=1] says:
I am not being hostile Mya
Mya the Web Builder says:
I love you Lisa.
[c=47]* , . [lisa.]* , ` [/c=1] says:
You are just giving me this vibe all the time
[c=47]* , . [lisa.]* , ` [/c=1] says:
That I have to be what you want me to be
[c=47]* , . [lisa.]* , ` [/c=1] says:
Or I will fuck up
[c=47]* , . [lisa.]* , ` [/c=1] says:
or something
Mya the Web Builder says:
No Lisa.
Mya the Web Builder says:
I am just offering you my input...this is what people do and they will all your life...you don't need to take it...but listening is key to learning...I know I couldn't do it at your age either. But now i listen even if I think they are wrong...which people will be...people will give you input that is absolutely wrong but it's still input.
[c=47]* , . [lisa.]* , ` [/c=1] says:
You don't understand what I am trying to say...
Mya the Web Builder says:
And if you can acknowledge it's wrong then you are a free but also a thinker that asks questions...I think that's healthy too.
Mya the Web Builder says:
The tongue ring is also a peice of your creativity...it's something that expresses rebellion. I wanted those kinds of things...I didn't want to conform to society...
Mya the Web Builder says:
I hated society
[c=47]* , . [lisa.]* , ` [/c=1] says:
I am not trying to express anything by getting a tongue ring...
Mya the Web Builder says:
There are so many factors which could prove me wrong or right but in the end I don't matter because the decision is always yours...that's your power.
[c=47]* , . [lisa.]* , ` [/c=1] says:
See you are misjudging me
Mya the Web Builder says:
I am not judging you at all...this advice I could share with any person in this world...and it could be wrong or right...I am not perfect...I am not your mother and you don't have to listen to me.
Mya the Web Builder says:
Because in the end you are your own free thinking person.
Mya the Web Builder says:
And as a teenager...you are at the critical learning stage of life...it's a time or crossover...and it's beautiful.
[c=47]* , . [lisa.]* , ` [/c=1] says:
Mya the Web Builder says:
I love that about being a teenager.
[c=47]* , . [lisa.]* , ` [/c=1] says:
stop talking for one minute
Mya the Web Builder says:
I'm sorry.
Mya the Web Builder says:
I'm sorry I don't mean to come on so strongly...I am just so filled with energy today.
[c=47]* , . [lisa.]* , ` [/c=1] says:
Kay here is all I wanted to say...and you keep going on and on and on about something totally different
I am just saying you are taking your opinoin to a whole new extent...
Yes I dont mind if you tell me your opinion but when you start going on about how I shouldnt do it.
thats when you cross the line
You can say that you dont like it and stuff and taht for you personally you wouldnt get it done but advising me not to do it isnt your decision
And if I want to do soemthing to my body
If I want my ears pierced or want to waer make up or dye my hair thats my choice
I am living my own life
And If I want to do wahtever to myself to make me feel like i look okay than so be it
Because when i feel like I look good I have confidence and feel good about myself
And I will learn from the choices I make so just acknowledge what i want and be there for me if I fail from what i do dont try and stop me from learning and experiencing life
ANd dont judge me by saying that i am doing this in some rebellious action because you dont know my intentions therefore dont accuse or judge me for something
Mya the Web Builder says:
"The tongue ring is also a peice of your creativity...it's something that expresses rebellion. I wanted those kinds of things...I didn't want to conform to society..."
Mya the Web Builder says:
I wasn't judging you because I was speaking generally.
Mya the Web Builder says:
I was speaking that it is common.
Mya the Web Builder says:
Then if I can't have you as my love as a sister when I give you my advice, then I'll stick by you whatever you want to do...so long as I can keep you as my friend forever.
[c=47]* , . [lisa.]* , ` [/c=1] says:
Mya I love you and all just I dont like when people try and stop me from what I want to do because thats what people have been trying to do all my life and Its my life I do what I want and I learn from it
Mya the Web Builder says:
I understand that you have come from alot of barriers so it feels like coming out of that rigid cage you are love a curious aimal going back into the world to experience life they way they please.]
Mya the Web Builder says:
It's beautiful.
Mya the Web Builder says:
Freedom is beautiful Lisa.
Mya the Web Builder says:
Eventually balance will come with experience...but where you are now...a teenager is a beautiful way of life so I hope you can appreciate the freedom.
Mya the Web Builder says:
And even forever...be free like you are.
Mya the Web Builder says:
Maybe that way of thinking with flower into a wonderful life.
Mya the Web Builder says:
I have to say that freedom is one of the most beautiful things on world earth.
Mya the Web Builder says:
will flower lol*
[c=47]* , . [lisa.]* , ` [/c=1] says: