Possibly I am just being paranoid. Quite likely. But I have discovered that am not alone in my unease about job security.
Meetings were weird this week without the Big Boss, R, M and D. A bunch of projects that the Big Boss had been spearheading as Very!Important!Initiatives! were summarily dumped like yesterday's smelly sushi. Very annoying, since some of these things I put a fuck ton of work into and agreed about his vision for. I bit my tongue LIKE WHOA when they asked for discussion/feedback. That felt like an invitation to put my head in a noose. BUT I THOUGHT IT REALLY LOUD.
BUT! CX! It's not about just about customer experience anymore! NOPE! It's about MARKETING! SELL! SELL! SELL! Added values props! Don't worry about finding out the actual issues causing bad scores so we can fix the issues, no, no, no! ASK DIFFERENT questions that tell the client what they want to hear! VOILA! BETTER SCORES! YES! INSTANT! FIX!
Who me? Sarcastic? Disillusioned? Bitter and jaded? Why ever would you think that?
I did talk to R today, to let her know that JR, who has taken over for her and M, is scrambling and offloading work like mad. I've had at least 7 emails from from her in the last week asking me to create new accounts for all the business managers and folks that R and M did reporting and analysis for. She wants them to start pulling their own data. Yup, she's up to her eyeballs - it's going to be interesting to see how well this turns out.
So, I haven't written ANYTHING this month. We did Easter dinner Sunday night and there was the social committee meeting Monday and the rest of the week, by the time I was done work, I just wanted to lay down and read.
BUT on the BRIGHT side... I looked at my GYWO total and damn! I'm not doing badly day wise. Yeah, my word count sucked last month, the biggest contributor to words was the FWF story, but dude! I finished a story, so that's good. I also have 3 HP stories on the go. I can do this, I know I can - honestly, my biggest problem right now is being able to sit for long enough to get something written. I'm feeling SO MUCH BETTER but I still have to get up a LOT and it really messes with my focus in writing. I think I might take the laptop downstairs tomorrow and try setting on top of the printer and write standing up. It's the perfect height to do so.
Crafty things:
I've kind of been in a card making mood. Last Autumn, I made bunch of fall themed cards and sent them out. Just because I knew a bunch of people who LOVE fall/harvest/falling leaves etc. Spring is coming up and am thinking I might do the same again. Or just random stuff. Sometimes I see cool or funky paper and I MUST OWN IT so I can make things with it. I literally have a stack of scrapbooking paper/cardstock that has got to be 5 or 6 inches deep.
What is my point? Well. Is anyone interested in receiving a handmade card?
These are the ones I made to send to my team members. I haven't bought spring paper yet, and also, I'm pretty haphazard about mailing things, it could be months, or it could be next week. I tend to work on them for a half hour, then walk away, then go back the next day. But, you know. If you like that sort of thing, let me know.
I have also been known to make fandom themed cards...
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