Swung by
itsjustgwen's for coffee last night (YAY JAVA!! Thanks Gwen!) then had a lovely stoppover at
tuto and
trystel,s place.
trystel just flew in from a business trip to Dallas and then stayed up yakking with me when she was dead on her feet, and *then* tried to apologize for it! Silly woman!
So, we had sushi for lunch, then I headed to the hotel to meet up with
raishaan. Ran into
runnerwolf YAY! and then got up to the consuite.
Which was OI! smaller than expected. *sigh* No worries though,
carmiel got it all sorted out because she's awesome like that.
So. Now we go for Thai food and then I shop with
raishaan like a crazy person. Which, oddly enough, for me is one of the highlights of the con.
Yes, I am a freak. Shut up.
Conflikt. Iz the little con that could. C'mon out and join us!