Videogame Update

May 21, 2006 19:06

I finally broke down and bought Guitar Hero. And SO glad I did. That game is damn addicting. It's all the Squid's fault. He addicted me to the game by me watching him and Carly play yesterday while we were over there.

In other amusing as hell news, if you haven't seen this moron go on and on about why the DS sucks, watch this video - The DS Read more... )

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That's not a rant. THIS is a rant: pathogen_squid May 22 2006, 00:04:23 UTC
Wow, that video hurt me deep inside. Not because I disagree with his blatantly ignorant opinion, but because ranting is an art form, and he's pissing all over it. This man's only useful skills involve fitting both of his man-tits in his mouth at the same time. He also has the esteemed neckbeard of a 26-year-old virgin, and I'm wondering how much dirt and excrement it could absorb if you used his bloated greasy head as a mop. His stuttering candor would indicate that he's high on something, probably a combination of DXM and the blissful afterglow that only incestuous fornication can provide. Were it not for GameFAQs and his tiny website, he'd have no reason for living. Our only hope for the future of the world is that his genitals are forcibly removed by some elaborate means involving a Ford F-150 with a trailer hitch and about fifty feet of piano wire. His reasoning skills are so feeble that he often has difficulty convincing his dick that he needs to go to the bathroom, and thus is incapable of using the men's room without third-party mediation (i.e. his grandmother). Death by immolation would be a suitable punishment but also a waste of good kerosene, as the putrid smell of his charred husk would rob you of any enjoyment the activity might have otherwise granted. Google Video has finite bandwidth, and this idiot is wasting it. His breath smells like pee.


"It's a fact, look it up" pt 1 shortmann May 22 2006, 04:00:24 UTC
"Not inovative at all" Bullshit, it's the only dual screen/ touch screen system. It's like the Wii, pushing the boundries of gaming and changing the video game market completley. Go to Japan, the DS is the king of all consoles (handheld or not) over there.

"They have 2 screens on everything." Huh? Everything? What other portable system has 2 screens. For that matter, what other gameing apparatice has 2 screens other than some PDA's.

"The touch-screen eats up the batteries and memory." Really now, the PSP has a 4-6 battery life depending on how the lighting and sound is. If memory serves, the DS battery life is a helluva lot longer than that.

"The Nintendo DS is just a Gameboy." Not really.

"The memory is pretty much the same as a Gameboy, it might be a little higher, I don't know." DON'T know.

"Wide-screen is the future folks...."I heard that on the news." LOL! Really now. And he also compares Wide-screen to HD stating similarities. Widescreen and Hi-definition are completley unrelated.

"It {The PSP} can play UMD movies, the DS can't. I heard that on the radio." Why go and buy all your movies again so that their on an itty bitty little screen? Buy a portably DVD player, it's more cost effective. And where the hell are you getting your information? I wanna know what radio stations you listen to because I'd love to hear some gamer stations on commercial radio.

"PSP stands for Playstation Portable. DS, who knows what that stands for. I don't know, and I know a lot of stuff about the DS. It's a piece of garbage. It's also a piece of trash." Amazing, you know the acronym of a Sony product, but can't figure out that DS is Dual Screen. And you know a lot about a system that is both garbage and trash....wait, aren't those the same thing?

Comparison between graphics of the 2 systems. Ok, you've made one correct argument. The PSP's graphics are better than the DS, but graphics don't sell a system. Games do.

"It's a fact, look it up." That's not a good argument for everything you can't find an answer to.

Gigaflops vs. Gigabytes. We're not even measuring the same thing here. Gigabytes are measuring memory and proccessing power STORAGE. Gigaflops are measuring operations the computer can carry out.

"Nintendo is a Japanese company" What do you know, so is Sony.

"You can hook an eyetoy up to a PSP. You can't do that on a DS, no no no." Eyetoy is a Sony product. Not a Nintendo product, so why would you be able to hook up a Sony product up to a nintendo product? Here's an idea. Let's put GTA into a GameCube and see if it works. Or let's put NintenDogs into the PSP and see what happens. You don't mix consoles.


It's a fact, look it up" pt 2 shortmann May 22 2006, 04:00:55 UTC
"You can hook up a PSP to a TV." And you can also hook up a DS, a Gameboy, a Gameboy Advance, and a gamegear up to a TV too. What's your point?

"I've played my PSP while it's hooked up to the wall." And you can do that with a DS too.

"PSP also plays music." And so does my iPod. Doesn't mean I want to waste time on a shitty music player and sell my iPod.

"PSP has built in speakers. They're pretty loud." Wow, built in speakers. Wait.....don't all portables have that? '

"The PSP's speakers can play music for a whole warehouse, if you know what your doing." Yah, and I can play DDR and Gameboy/NES/Genesis on my computer because "I know what I'm doing." Headphone jacks can be used to hook up to speakers and you can blast a DS or any other portable just as loud "if you know what your doing."

"If you want to listen to music, you can't own a DS." Why not? I've got an iPod.

"You can't buy music for the DS because it's just not good enough." Strong argument there, I'm sold.

"The DS is not an innovative system, they pretty much just stole the
technology from other companies." Oh really now. Let's look at E306 for a moment. Sony will have a wireless gyroscoptic controller (Nintendo's first) and a internal hardrive (Xbox first). Whose stealing?

"Touchscreen: I saw that five years ago, I saw it on the news." Yes,
touchscreen has been around for a bit. On PDA's.

"You need a little stylis to use it." You can also use your thumb or any other fingers for certain games. It's called maitenence. Clean your DS after playing it for awhile because the oil gets on it. But the PSP screen is more sensitive to dirt and destruction than the DS touch screen. "look it up."

"If you want to play classic games, you can't do it. What's the extra screen for." It wasn't made for old games, because it's pretty damn near impossible to be forwards compatible. I doubt when Nintendo made the first Super Mario Bros. they though...hmm...I better make this thing dual screen compatible, because it might be useful in 20 years.

"The PSP is going to work as a controller on the Playstation 3." Been there, done that. HAVE the system. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles, Animal Crossing, Zelda: 4 Swords Adventure all use this technology. And these are on the GameCube, which is already out.

"The Nintendo DS is not going to work as a controller on a Playstation 3. Look it up." See above where I mention you don't make systems or hardware to work on other systems. You can't put a GameCube game into a Playstation, just the same as you can't hook a PSP up to a GameCube.

"The PSP has built in wireless access to connect to the internet and to other PSP gamers." And the DS has Wi-Fi, which is free, conveinent, and not as busy as regular wireless internet. And can connect to other Ds's and play games that even they don't have.

"So if you want to can play games with another PSP. Doesn't work on a DS though." Umm..yes it does. They did it first anyhow.

"You have a DS, your friend has a PSP, you can't use your DS with a PSP. It doesn't work, look it up, it's a fact." NO SHIT! I've covered this already.

"The PSP, you can throw it on the ground and it won't matter, you can pick it up and it'll be fine." Have you done this? Because just by the designing, I can tell the screen will get scratched to hell, the batteries will fly out, and the memory stick and the UMD disc will shoot across the room, more than likely shattering upon impact.

"My friend had a DS, and it fell out of his pocket on a trampoline...and it destroyed it." What the fuck are you doing with a DS in your pocket on a TRAMPOLINE!? Let's go skydiving with a GameCube while we're at it, or bunjie jump with a PS2.

"It was unplayable after that becasuse (2 second pause) it broke." Niiicceee deduction there Sherlock. Took you so long to think of it too.

"I've heard you can put classic game emulators on your PSP. That's hundreds of games." Correction.....that's THOUSANDS of games. "It's a fact, look it up."

"Pretty much the DS isn't that good, and the PSP is." Pure opinion, you still haven't given solid proof yet, and there's only 30 seconds left in the video.


Re: It's a fact, look it up" pt 2 pathogen_squid May 22 2006, 21:25:28 UTC
Now see, you missed the point because the video is only twelve minutes long and that must have taken you an hour to type. That's the same reason I didn't do a review of Ultraviolet -- I could not articulate how much I hated, nay, loathed the movie in less than the 90 minutes it took to watch it. His data is obviously wrong, but that's not the point -- the point is that he was trying to be funny and failed miserably. Either way, thank you for saving me time in posting the factual errors.

By the way, what's it like living on the corner of PSP Avenue and No Games For This Fucking System Boulevard?

;-P luvs


Re: It's a fact, look it up" pt 2 shortmann May 22 2006, 23:03:08 UTC
It only took me 20-30 minutes to do that actually, and I had nothing better to do. Besides, it was fun. And you were right, that guy had no clue what he's talking about. The fact that he used "It's a fact, look it up" for 1/3 of his points was my first clue. The other clue was that he kept on mentioning how Sony hardware was not compatible with Nintendo hardware. I think he mentioned that 3 (maybe 4) times. Which I thought was totally idiot-tastic of him (yes, I had to make up a word to describe his thought process).

As for living on "the corner of PSP Avenue and No Games For This Fucking System Boulevard?" I have no clue what your talking about. There are a lot of games I WANT to get for the PSP, but haven't gotten a chance to get yet. And I do play it more than you think I do. On the DS side, there are less games on there that I actually want then for the PSP, so either system is fine for me.


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