Shocking! A real update!

Jul 31, 2005 00:08

-blows the dust off the journal- Been a while since I've made an actual update. May as well.

We've been trying to sell our house in Sanford, and have now done it successfully. Well, at least we've got a purchase agreement in place. A little less than we wanted, but meh. At least we're getting out from under the cost of the house. So that's a yay.

Our vacation bible school at the church was this last week. I'm glad that's over with. It was a long, tiring week. But, they always prove to be such. So much energy goes into them, and my parents always get so worked up over them that it tends to get a bit insane around the house. Carly came and helped every night, which was super fun.

Today a couple of my dad's aunts came to visit, one lives down by Detroit and the other lives in Alabama. Haven't seen either of them in several years. Took me a minute to figgure out who they were. Heh. Aunt D brought along the child that she's basically a nanny for. He's a fun little kid. Played around with him for a while. I've been playing with children a lot lately. In fact, last night there was a picnic to end VBS and a bunch of the kids were playing around with me. It got to the point where I was almost to drop over tired, and my back hurts pretty bad today thanks to picking up the kids and such. But, 'twas fun, so it's worth it.

And just a bit ago Mom, Dad, and I were eating dinner at Applebee's (major yay) and my phone rang - 'twas my boss asking if I wanted to join him and Damian (friend from high school) for a movie. Well, Damian ended up not going, but I did. We went to the theatre not even knowing what was showing about the time we got there, and Charlie & Choc Fac was playing close to when we got there. Both of us wanted to see it, so we figgured why not. Oh my god. That movie cracked me up. Nate said that it sucked and was the worst movie he's ever seen, but I loved it. For me, that will be my bad mood killer. I have been in a bit of a funk the last couple weeks, and this movie crushed it without trying.

Tomorrow ish Carly's b-day. So, I'm driving over there right after church and spending the day with her. Taking her to Genji's for dinner, and then also part of it will be going to see Charlie when she comes here next weekend. Like the theatre here much, much better. Partially thanks to moveable cupholder armrest thingamajiggies. So yea, that's been my life the last few days. Heh. Now back to life.
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