Oct 28, 2007 19:51
The answer to my prayers came with my brother-in-law showing up for a week. He's taken his mom to the doctor and found out a lot of stuff. Hopefully she will either do what her doctor says or understand that we'll have someone comein to take care of her, or there's always assisted living. Jaime went back to work on Wednesday...what a fool. He's walked the dog for a mile and then complained about pain. His brother told him how stupid he is. He's got to let that muscle heal otherwise it is going to take forever for those muscle fibers to mend. He keeps traumatizing the injury by doing dumb things. I saw Vicki today (Eric's mom) and she is coping as best she can. That one girl had her baby so now they'll have to run a paternity test and see if it is his. Brianne wants to know when she'll be over this. I don't think she will ever "get over" this, she'll just reach a point where she is ready to move on. I still have days of just getting all teary eyed when I think about either him, or his family. My PT is going really well. Tim says on a scale from 1-10, I am a 15. I really am having very little pain. A little stiffness if I haven't moved around. I don't sleep solidly yet cuz it is not comfortable to sleep on my side all curled up like I'm used to so I have to switch to my back and that just isn't snuggly and right. I can go up stairs ok, but not down. I have to go down leading with my left and then step with my right onto the same step. It is very slow! I am dying to start doing some plies and stretching!!!!! The incision areas still pull a little and I still have scabs.