Mar 04, 2011 01:23
(Here's a bit of a story I originally wrote for Michael, but since I highly doubt I'll be finishing the story for him, you my faithful audience can have it now)
Once upon a time there was a goat that lived on the Moon. He was a moon goat, the rarest of all goats. His name was Lolli, Loli for short. There were only a few Moongoats, as everyone knows. 9 of them actually. They would run and frolic all day, bouncing off of each other, all but Loli, they didn't like him. They wouldn't let him play in their goat games, and sometimes they would even steal his underpants and hide them on the dark side of the moon. Which in hindsight is pretty weird since Moongoats don't wear underpants.
Loli lived with a hand full of almonds, Zac, Acz, Caz, and 3 others which were never naned because he realized after the 3rd how stupid it was to name his almonds. One day Loli and his almond friends were trucking along to the dark side of the Moon to get back his underpants when there was a roar from the skies above. A tiny dot of light was coming towards the Moon from the big ball of Blue that the Moon constantly spun around. It landed with a great THUD near the home of the other Moongoats.
Curious of what the mysterious object was Loli quickly ate the useless almonds for energy and put Zac, Acz and Caz on his head and ran back towards the other Moongoats. In the middle of the the Moongoat playing field was a strange tin can shaped object sitting on spindle like legs, smoke and gases belching from the strange thing.
The other moongoats had come out of their wax houses and were looking at the object with greedy stares on their beedy eyes. A new giant tin can! What a fest this would make! They hopped back into their wax homes and came back wearing their Satern Lobster bibs and wearing jaunty can eating hats that their mothers had made for them before they had left them for parts unknown. Loli's mom had never made him a hat, and perhaps that's why the other moongoats disliked him.
They hopped onto low hanging rocks and peered down at the mysterious tin can and the leader, WingleRumpus cried out EAT!
And they did!
Bits of tin and other metal were torn off the can by the moongoats as they ate to their hearts delight. Loli wanted to join them, but knew that they would not share. He would wait for the left overs here on the outskirts with his almond friends.
Suddenly there was another THUD! and four sides of the tin can fell off and flattened the other moongoats into flat moongoat pancakes.
"Oh my!" fainted Zac the almond and was quickly eaten by Loli who had been waiting for Zac to faint so he wouldn't feel bad eating him.
The other two almonds made sure they were conscious.
As the walls fell on the moongoats an inner tin can could be seen, smaller then the first, but this time time it had a small glass window on it. Loli could see a face looking out of the tin can looking straight at him.
He had never been so afraid in his life as the eyes stared horrified at him. He munched down on Caz and bolted to the dark side of the Moon hoping to hide from what ever was inside the tin can. He some how knew it would come looking for him, to finish off the last of the Moongoats.
to be continued.