May 09, 2005 01:28
Summer officially started today around 2:30, as I arrived back home for the first time in about two the time of this writing, I've basically fully moved all my stuff where I want it to be...I must say that I enjoy the setup that I have. My bookcase is actually neat. My desk now has lamps, as does my bedside. Everything is just organized in the way that I like it, which makes sense, since I did it.
So far, I've nailed down an A and a B+ for the semester, with two more precincts still to report. I got an A- on my twenty-two page PS158 paper, so that class should be doing fairly well, as is my other remaining class. Hopefully I can finish two years of college with a 3.7 GPA, give or take. I'm rather pleased with that.
Someone who is apparently not too pleased by that is Grand Lodge, which decided to fuck me over this year in the scholarship department, giving me nothing. Yep, nothing. Not to be rude, but a 3.7 at Duke, working over twenty hours a week, and no criminal record, and I'm not getting the $5,000 scholarship? Are you fucking kidding me people? There are some real fucking idiots who win that scholarship, and I am NOT trying to sound haughty or anything similar to conceited, but some of these people couldn't hold my goddamn academic jockstrap. This kinda bullshit is making me doubt future Masonic membership, so these people can officially lick my genital region. And if they don't like it, they can change the situation.
Other than that, things are going okay. Supposed to open up New Hampshire on this Friday, provided CERTAIN PEOPLE get their act together. That means next weekend I will likely be up there...feel free to request an invitation. I'll be generous...and I'm bringing up a TV and old PS2 for games/movies/general entertainment. It's a good substitution for my laptop, whose screen decided to shit the bed this week. I managed to plug it into my OLD OLD OLD computer monitor that was kept on my desk. Thankfully it works, so I'm able to write this. Hooray!
That's all for or IM me about doing stuff this summer...