The sketch for the 2nd card for the Tarot project... will be doing this one in watercolor, just like Temperance.... (sorry, scan is alittle cock-eyed... booo).
I hope to have time to do one more before the show in Dec...not to sure it will happen. I'm backed up with commissions that have to be completed, not counting the stuff in process at the shop. I'm only 3/4th of the way through a leg sleeve design that should have been done by now. Client is out of town for the next 2 weeks so I have extra time... but still.
I really don't have time for my daytime job, too bad I need to keep it a while longer. Sonofabitch! I'm having to pull in 10 hour days all next week because of the mess that was made during this friggan rush. I'm going to be dead. I hate my job... hate it.
I should be getting ready to head to the shop... shower and such. I'm hungry but have no food in the apt. so I will have to forgo eating for a bit longer.
My thoughts are abit scattered anyway...perhaps I should give up writing for today. lol, probably for the best anyhow.