Luna Hentai Game + other news

Mar 13, 2009 01:42

There is a Luna Het game D
you can buy it too... and I know where to also! *praise me* Ahaha, a fan made JPN hentai game... I'll post more about it when I am alone. The art is actually pretty nice; I don't plan on buying it... but I might. It isn't much and you know.... to support the artist hahaha.

Okay, I need to do my homework. >_>!

In other news, I finally got a "C" on one of my religion quizzes! I know it is not much but it is progress! Haha, something I am quite proud of myself!...

One other thing I notice, updating this stupid live journal is quite fun. I mean i like blogging and all but the feature are so cute!! I mean KIDDISH and it makes me feel like  kid. XD Perhaps this is why people like live journal, it dose not get boring.... maybe the reason why it does not get boring is because of these features. Then again, maybe it is just me... because when I was younger and didn't have internet, I would blog to myself on my computer on word pad.... and it is always fun changing colors.

I will also start dumping some paint chat logs that I find nessacary.... just because. Anyway, I need to shut up, I need to get work done.

N I G H T !


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