It really shouldn't matter anymore, the windy city..

Oct 17, 2006 21:51

Good God, we were almost blown away last night, literally down here. Last night, well most of the day.

So yesterday was a horribly busy day, and not in the good way. I put off grocery shopping for like, way longer long I should have, so did that after taking Jacob to school, and so get home, Tre is really sick, was sick most of weekend, coughing, sore, headache, more coughing, but he was supposed to work at noon, well there was no way he could go to work, so he calls in saying he cannot make it, needs to go to the DrAnd . and all hell breaks loose, his boss is basically throwing a fit, for God Sakes, I honestly cannot remember the last time Tre called in sick for one thing, second he needs to go to the doc since he's an asthmatic and was having problems breathing, and making him feel like shit for working himself into the damn ground for less $$ than the other three managers get made me furious, so after putting everything away, I had to leave again because William had his check up and both had flu shots, but since Tre didn't go into work, I had to go and get his paycheck and put it in the band cause it needed to be in by like, yesterday. So, had to put on a happy face although I really wanted to tell Max where to go, how to get there, and give him a fucking kick there, but my kids were with me, so late to the doc, take an hour for William's check up, then flu mist up the nose, which I don't care if it isn't a shot, try telling that to a rambuctious five year old when the lady comes at you with a pointy thing sticking it up your nose.

So, of course it's like 3:30 by then, Tre is still at the doc, think he has the flu thing, so he's still there having tests, and it starts to rain, and the wind was already bad, but let me tell you how bad, it blew our fucking mailbox off the post, and put it in the road, and it was that windy as hell foggy, drizzly, windy, and cold crap that you don't see often down here. And I know I'm not in my 20's anymore, but every part of my body hurt so damned bad I couldn't believe it. You know you're getting old when it hurts more to do down the stairs than up, seriously. Plus my wrist kept snapping and popping and coldn't bend it, not to mention my ankle and back, now I'm having back cramps again today and damn those things hurt. So anyway, Tre gets home, and as usual massive lung and sinus infection and down he goes on the couch, of course. I mean he was miserable and I would hope he would do the same, so I told him to put his warm pj's on and left to go get his medication and a chocolate shake so maybe he could eat. Get home again and did I mention how cold it was. Got kids dinner, kids pj's, Tre's soup, and kids in bed for Jacob to start coughing, really coughing, but luckily it didn't last, we all know how Jacob can be, but doesn it stop me from sitting and listening and worrying like hell until 1AM, of course not, and almost see the Bears get beat by the Cardinals, the Cardinals of all teams, thank God for Defense.

Second, today I got a call from the soccer team manager, we've been off since break and had practice tonight, damnit. And we finalizing the plans for the soccer after season party at my parents house, a big wienie and marshmellow roast, you know the good fall stuff, my parents have a ton a space to play and William has looking forward to it cause he really doesn't know many kids down here still and have a real party, not just grandma and grandpa like most birthdays. So anyway, I'm limping walking out the door to get William at school and the phone rings, yeah no soccer practice, but she talked to the coach and he didn't think it would be a good idea to have the party at my parents cause they live at the top of a mountain (it's 1600 ft up) and the road is steep and curvy, DUH??? Don't get me wrong, I really like the guy, but THE KIDS WON'T BE DRIVING!!!! So now I get to tell William that he don't get to host the soccer party cause God knows our house isn't big enough, and we've never really gotten to know anyone except our neighbors since we've lived here for the past nine years, and maybe I was looking forward to speaking to people I know my own age and aren't related to me and have to be nice to me. So fine, I'll live

And hubby goes out of town starting Sunday, which I usually don't mind, but for some reason, it just bumming me out today, maybe it's just the week in general. He'll also have to miss William's last soccer game. Hopefully he'll get the new job he applied for soon, an employee at his store told a friend of his, a District Manager at another store looking for a new manager about Tre, did the interview, the paperwork, and still hasn't filled the position, so here's keeping our fingers crossed....

OK, done whining now and I feel so much better, and I'm going costume shopping for the kiddies tomorrow, just wait for Halloween pics, those are the best.

Oh, and a couple really great post ep fic for Fannysmacking I've read, "A Mother's Love by callista_mythol over at WMTDB, I've never read everything by her before, but this was wonderful, Mama Stokes meets Greg's mom.... "Vital Sounds" by rurounihime, don't even get me started again about this new wonderful author, a wonderful angst look at what happened as Nick's helps out a friend in need, and if you haven't read the first one, what are you waiting for..... "Geek Post-Ep", a little post ep Greg comfort, need a really say more. "See" by another new author I haven't seen much from before at WMTDB, Ppatchfire, and small Nick POV, very moving, and "Hospital Visits" by Rpgirl who has written a couple of great AU Nick/Greg fics in High school wrote a great one shot. And yes I haven't forget, will start working on my Part 3 to "Possibilities", hey I got the video done first...... should be this week though.

Oh, and I'm on the hunt for Fannysmacking icons, I have a couple, but would love one where Nick looks at K-Fed and says "You wouldn't like me when I'm angry", blame it on geekwriter143 because it's so all her fault..... I can beg is necessary.

hubby, nickngreg, post fannysmackin, kids

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