MODLY POST: Fic exchange! Fun

Apr 21, 2006 07:27

Hey guys!

statelines and I have put our heads together and consulted with, like, people and stuff and we're very pleased to announce our first shacking_up challenge! Under the cut are rules and guidelines and dates and the like. If you've any suggestions after you're done reading, please comment.


We're calling this the minimal prompt fic exchange. The idea is that you submit a prompt -- it can be anything; a line of fic you yourself have written, a bit of a poem, a sketch, a photograph, etc. statelines and I will collect the prompts this screened-comments post and then assign everyone who entered the fic exchange a submitted prompt. The author/artist will have to write/draw a piece somehow incorporating her assigned prompt, whether it be inspired by it, or include a line of dialogue verbatim, or what have you. Once the piece is finished it works like a regular fic exchange in that the person who wrote/drew the prompt will be writing/drawing it for whoever submitted it in the first place.

Sound like fun? Yes! Yay.


1) This exchange is only open to shacking_up members.

2) The fic/art must include Remus/Sirius (or Sirius/Remus; whichever way you have it) as a featured pairing. R/S doesn't have to be the only pairing in the fic/art, but they must be featured and they must be prominant.

3) The prompts must be sort of minimalistic in theme. Here's what we're looking for:

poem prompts: If you wish to submit a bit of poetry as a prompt, please only submit at the most three lines, and don't include the title of the poem, just the writer.

photo prompts: Photo prompts are perfectly groovy, but please only submit either a really nonspecific photo or only a part of a photo. For example, don't google, say, "emo boys kissing" and then post the results. Make sure there's lots of wriggle room.

fic prompts: Submitting a bit of fic that you or someone else wrote is perfectly acceptable, just make sure that, like the poem prompts, it's only a couple lines. And, please, no "Then Sirius and Remus bought a house in Wakefield and England changed the laws and they got married and Lily didn't die so she was their surrogate mum and they had lots of sex until the end of their days." Keep it ambiguous. Also keep in mind that if you use a bit of fiction written by another person, be they from the land of eljay or a published source, that you credit the author.

drawing/sketch prompts: This works much like photo prompts. Please keep the subject flexible, and credit the artist, whether it's you or someone else.

4) No "three things" prompts. Basically, we don't want people submitting three things they'd like to see in a fic, or three things that they don't want to see in a fic. We're going for a broader theme here.

5) If you plan on writing fic for the challenge, please make sure that it is at least 500 words in length.

6) If you have any other ideas for prompts, please submit them! It is not at all limited to writing or art -- those we're just the ones we came up with. ;)

Prompt submissions will start in this post, today, 21 April and continue through 1 May.

Assignments will be passed out no later than 10 May.

The drop-out deadline will be 15 June. If you wish to drop-out after signing up, please let us know by then so that we can get a pinch-hitter for your prompt.

Fic and art will be due 31 Jun. This date may change, but only later. We won't have fic/art due any earlier than 31 June.

Please use this form when signing up for the challenge:

Name/lj handle:
Email address:
Are you a writer or an artist?:

All comments are screened. Have fun!


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