Title: Come to Life
Rating: Tee hee hee. Some nudity here - but it's pre-action. And possibly post-action. Mid-actions, let's say. Oh PG-13. And NOT WORKSAFE. You know. (This line is exceptionally long. Must be because I can't believe I'm not writing G here.)
Characters: Up, Sirius, down, Remus.
Notes: Second part of the lovely
jadis31's bday gift. Please do not remind me how long ago that was.
Oh, this needs a little explanation - a loooong while ago, Ni was playing with a slogan generator. One of the slogans it brought up was "Come to life. Come to Sirius' ass."
The image that popped up in my mind - no double entendres, please :P - was just begging to be drawn.
(We will not say anything about the fact that I chose a certain someone as recipient. ;D)
Title: Advice for the Momentarily Blinded
Rating: Hmmm. Pg-13? There's staircase-boy-kissing, at any rate.
Characters: Up, Sirius, down, Remus. Again. More or less.
Advice for the Momentarily Blinded is one GREAT story
sheafrotherdon wrote a while ago.
:D :D :D
“Oh fuck,” said Sirius as doxies and floo-calls and infectious noises of Erumpent joy ran together into a freakish turquoise pool of understanding. He twisted himself around before he could think things through and talk himself out of being certifiable - twisted himself around and kissed Remus Lupin the way Remus Lupin ought to be kissed.
Title: Untitled
nassimaRating: R
Pairing: Sirius/Remus
Notes: My entry for
hpvalensmut. :D
The community post.