Fic: Until You Hit the Ground

Sep 13, 2005 14:12

Title: Until You Hit the Ground
Author: victoria p. [victoria @]
Summary: For once, he was going to trust Sirius, and let himself fall.
Rating: Adult
Spoilers: NONE
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters belong to JK Rowling and Scholastic/Bloomsbury etc.; this piece of fan-written fiction intends no infringement on any copyrights.
Archive: Achromatic.
Feedback: Would be delightful.
Notes: Thanks to tartanshell, alyndra and mousapelli for looking this over at various points in time, and to hwmitzy for helping me hash it out when I got stuck again.
Word count: 5,275


[Until You Hit the Ground]


Feedback is always welcome.

fiction: musesfool

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