Fic: Like Prayers

May 30, 2005 14:24

Fic: Like Prayers
Author: sheafrotherdon
Rating: PG
Pairing: R/S
Disclaimer: JKR owns every last one of these characters; I merely play with them.
Summary: Not quite the October 31, 1981 you think you know.
A/N: for jedi_penguin as part of the hp_au_ficathon (prompt at the end of the story). Thank you to losselen for permission to cross-post this now, and enormous gooey love to my indefatigable betas, devkel and hostile_21. Feedback loved, adored, and given shiny things.

It's impossible not to be aware of the magic. Nightfall hums with it, a secretive whisper . . .

fiction: sheafrotherdon

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