I couldn't choose between these stories. Each is very short (less than a thousand words), but epic when it comes to emotions and themes.
Title: Afflict Our Natures
kitestringerPairing(s): Remus/Sirius
Rating: PG-13 for violence
Why this fic/art needs to be shacked: This story has real, raw power. It honestly had a physical impact on me, like a jolt of electricity up my spine. Days after reading it, I was still thinking about it at the oddest moments. With the oodles of R/S fluff that's been produced lately, it's great to find a piece that captures the darkest side of love.
kitestringer takes the old lovers' promise "I would kill for you" to a whole new level, mingling disgust and tenderness with a dash of expert foreshadowing.
http://community.livejournal.com/barefootboys/11252.html Title: World Without End
kitestringerPairing(s): Sirius/Remus and [highlight to read spoilery DH pairing-->]Dumbledore/Grindelwald
Rating: PG
Why this fic/art needs to be shacked:
kitestringer draws a parallel between R/S and a rather spoilery DH pairing, and it works brilliantly. There's sorrow, nostalgia and hopeless longing, but
kitestringer's deft style prevents this piece from growing maudlin.