Oct 02, 2005 19:23
today have been something else. But I dont want to talk about what all happend to me today. The only thing that I would like to talk about is how every one has been asking why dont you like storm. Well for the world to no. I dont hate storm. True I do not like her. But why is that. every one think that I dont like her because of she is with derek. That is some of the reson. But I dont like her because the fact that her and her mamas can say what they want, when they want, and about who they want. But if I say something to one of them oh my god. So it is not that I am trying to be rude, but I dont like my self when I cant say what is on my mind. So till they day come when I am going to be able to be my self will be the day I will get along with storm and her mamas. But by time that happens I think that derek will have either lefter her and/or me. Then I will say what I want no matter who I piss off.