Just a quick update on the garden this year. I was very skeptical at first about this square foot gardening method of growing vegetables, but it has been very successful and we plan on going from 3 boxes this year to 9 next year. This has really helped with our grocery bill but more importantly the fresh vegetables are just so much better than the grocery store vegetables even if you buy organic from Whole Foods. I love just walking out in the AM and picking a fresh bean or pea pod and having a nibble. Below the cut are some pics including before and after shots.
The three boxes and four concrete planters before
Here is the shot taken this AM
Here are some individual shots of the boxes and their contents
And not to forget the garden bed in front of the house here is a before and after shot after I pulled all the overgrown bamboo out of the bed that had started as one bamboo stalk according to our neighbor and was overtaking the whole yard. Kathy picked all the flowers and the rose bushes were actually there the whole time but were being killed by the bamboo. We donated the bamboo to a friend who replanted.